Sweet Sweet Bodyguard Episode 60

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54 thoughts on “Sweet Sweet Bodyguard Episode 60

  1. 丁雪翎得寸進尺 真的是白眼狼 無言
    就算采潔出發點是好的 但就像亞倫說得那樣 信任也要看對象
    都什麽世界了 天真大方給誰看啊==
    偶像劇中的女一 女二是不是都這麽天真 這麽笨 這麽遲鈍啊==”
    宿命 宿命

  2. 為啥我覺得亞倫沒錯阿!!? 
    哪有道理要跟拋棄自己的前女友住在一起的, 本來就是個麻煩采潔明明一開始心裡也就知道, 就不知道發什麼神經, 自以為大器的讓丁小姊搬進來住….現在卻口口聲聲說是為了亞倫和維尼好

  3. 小鬼笑的時候的個小酒窩好可愛哦!說真的,不覺得采潔是因為太相信她,她才會敢這樣嗎?她竟然說要走也要帶维尼一起走!明玉穿性感的衣服,根本就不用和愛比嘛,明玉sshshu輸定了啦。

  4. 为什么每个人都骂亚伦啊~ 采潔也有错啊~ 有哪个女人可以容忍自己的男朋友的前女友搬进来住啊~ 亚伦 这么生气也是怕维尼会被抢走啊~ 看预告还以为采潔要给爱家穿马甲勒,没想到~ 哈哈!私下的小鬼赚到咯!嘻嘻!

  5. Shuet Ling should’nt have moved in in the first place! I was so annoyed at her when she was saying Alan and Cai Jie didn’t fulfill their parental responsibilities just because they both didn’t show up to parent day. Like who are you to say anything when you’ve JUST re-entered his life. Where were YOU his entire life and now she’s all like “Blahblah wei ni and I have an inherent familial relationship”

    And seriously if you are living in someone else’s house and they ask you to move out, how thick-skinned is she to say “I”m not gonna move, I’m gonna stay” 

    Cai Jie and Alan’s argument was so well executed!!! On one hand, I can understand why Cai Jie is so nice to Shuet Ling because she is after her Wei Ni’s biological mother. So Cai Jie wanting the best for Wei Ni probably thought it was important for Shuet Ling and Wei Ni to establish a mother-son relationship. When Alan was like “Did you know Shuet Ling made Wei Ni call her his mother?” and Cai Jie sounded so pained to say ” she IS his biological mother though”. On the other hand, I can relate to Alan.. I really wouldn’t want my ex living in the same roof as me and interacting with my son when she was the one who chose to leave in the first place. I think Cai Jie really went over his tolerance level by continuously insisting that Suet Ling should stay at his place… 

    BTW What was the real reason Shuet Ling left Alan in the first place? 

      • the deal in the first place was that she should move out when she is financially stable with a job. And now, she looks like she owns the place and everything. She is just unbearable.  Cai Jie is the same, she is really naive and doesn’t make any sense to make her stay at Alan’s house. What a move and then she moves out.?>????? Alan, I would want to see you break up with Cai Jie. She is a control freak. 

  6. I can understand why MY needs to don on a sexy outfit, but why does AJ need to do the same???? It’s not that AJ needs to get ZQ’s attention……hhmmmmm…….just wondering.

    • Actually, you are spot on. Also, there was this picture of MY standing beside AJ on the fb fanpage, MY was so ghostly pale compared to AJ who was so tan and had this glow on her.

  7. the preview is disgusting….. ZJ was starring at his sister for wearing the revealing dress… disgusting… Welldone AJ for giving him a kick. Should give him a few more

  8. So sweeet…. i love zhongqi… no matter wad.. i will watch before i sleep de.. i believe one day.. zhongqi and aijia will be tgt <3!

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