Sweet Sweet Bodyguard Episode 53

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79 thoughts on “Sweet Sweet Bodyguard Episode 53

  1. ASDFJKL; QINMA, stop saying annoying words with a smile on your face. you dont want to hurt aijia? stop belittling peole. and stop fake laughing. its gross. why can’t you be like you were as tie mama in next heroes?

  2. omg these episodes are just getting more and more stupid.  How hard is it to say ‘mom that’s my sister and ai jia I like you? why the f do you need 3+ episodes just to get these points across???
    waste of time and makes the main characters looks stupid n wimpy.

    • waste of time. don’t watch. simple as that. 

      if you’re that clever, then be the director.

      words dont carry weight. action does.

  3.  For those grief stricken fans out there — I was watching ep 77 of GHFC in another site and towards the end was a SSB preview. It showed ZQ confessing to AJ. He told her that he like her for such a long time and so……. And at the background,  Ming Yu leaves the room in grief and also Qing Mei Ah Yi and her son refraining Zhen Ba from stopping ZQ”s confession. The best part is there was a HUGE grin on AJ’s face upon hearing ZQ’s love declaration.

    I am not sure if this confession will appear in tonight’s ep 54 or Monday’s ep 55. I noticed some of the previews are two episodes ahead.

    Anyway, take heart and hang in there……

  4. where is Qin ba and Nai Nai, they kind of disappeared in these last two episodes. Nai Nai would love Ai Jia as Zhong qui’s girlfriend.

  5. 總是看著自己喜歡的人 跟別人站在一起 卻甚麼也做不了…
    為什麼人, 不能再勇敢一點 堅強一點 還有樂觀一點呢…

    明玉跟秦媽媽其實都沒錯 都只是各自想保護自己的小孩還有愛情

  6. This is turning into TAC. I hope it doesn’t.
    Also, I hate mingyu! Doesn’t she see that zhongqi doesn’t like her?! Is Qin ma so selfish?!
    Btw, zhongqi should be a man and tell her that he likes her! This is not 2nd grade!
    And zheng ba needs to shut his mouth and let them figure it out!
    Not a horrible episode but I’m starting to think that this could turn out like TAC.

  7. obviously this is only a drama but to state that it does not convulge any feelings from me would be a big lie. i’m awed at how powerful drama can be. this drama evokes all kind of emotions from me and i’m sure it would from most of you drama lovers.

    you know, i’m glad i stumble upon this drama. ok, i admit first hand that Meng Ge Ru(Zhen Ai-Jia) draws me to watch this show. she is cute, her smiles and especially her pouting lips made her even cuter. in a nutshell, i simply love her. the kind of girl i dream to have as a girlfriend. ok, this is a little far fetched but hell, i can dream can i?

    but that doesn’t mean i don’t fancy the rest of the cast. as the show progresses, i gradually like them all. come to think of it, this show has got quite a stellar cast. kudos to the casting director for his/her wise choice. 

    up to this point, the drama is well written and i just like to believe that it will end in a good note. i’ve never watched TAC and i never watch as much chinese drama as i would like to because of my limited understanding of chinese. and there’s only a handful of eng subtitled show. i know just enough to understand. for the record, i’m malay. i could conjure from some of the comment that TAC’s ending wasn’t favourable. but i’m pretty much sure that this drama would not thread the same path of TAC. i’m sure the director and the scriptwriters are well  aware of it. let’s be positive people.

    [Below are to be literally taken]
    For this episodes, it made me want to jump onto my laptop screen and give Zhen Ai-Jia a HUG. i can truly sympathise with her. ZhongQi needs all the perseverance he could muster to win Ai-Jia’s heart or rather her’s dad heart. LOL. This episode was rather sad-ridden from start to nearly the end save for Nainai’s cute ways of encouraging ZhongQi. Nainai’s words definately carries some weight. Just like in Step Up Revolution, “When the Mob speaks, everyone listen”. In this case, “When Nainai speaks, whole family listens”. Yes, I would like to give Qingma’s a piece of my mind at whatever hurtful words she said to my beloved Ai-Jia. Halfway thru her speech, i simply muted the player. I can’t stand Mingyu’s helium filled voice at all so I muted as well. Haha. I am that mean. 

    Ok, on a rather serious note, credit to the actresses playing Mingyu and Qingma for making their character detestable. hate the character, not the actress people. 

    Ok, I’m quite surprise i could type a lengthy post on this drama. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s episode. See you guys.


    • Yes, a good drama keeps us on the edge of our seat and riles our insides and emotions… and I think from the comments its quite evident that there are SO many of us who are on the edge of our seat and affected by the storyline of this drama. I’m simply amazed 🙂 Art imitates life

      Thanks for your thoughts, refreshing to read!

  8. Do the writers and directors think people who watch Taiwan idol dramas are idiots and would buy this ridiculous, dragged on WAY toooo long idiotic story line of two grown-ups who have trouble expressing themselves to each other as in ZhongChi and AiJia… Déjà vu… Might have to stop watching as we did with Ti Amo Chocolate that got totally ridiculous. Stop this nonsense already.

  9. 編劇為什麼要把愛家寫的越來越白癡?? 要拖戲也不是這樣巴
    明明就有喜歡總經理 卻一直說不知道不知道!! 不知道在不知道什麼!!! 翻漫畫最好是找的到答案拉?! 

  10. 秦媽才是不能再上那個門,這樣的狗眼,又不讓人家前妻的兒子進門,又不諒養子喜歡的女孩進門,只為保住自己在家裡的地位,說真的,這樣的女人要讓她不論心理和生理也跌一交吃屎的才令人心舒暢

  11. we should have known right from the start about Qin Ma~~ anyone who can think its alright to raise a daughter like Ming Yu has something seriously wrong with her… 

  12. 秦媽你够了噢。。。不要太自私。。。

  13. New song at 13:34! Anyone know what it is? Nice… I have a feeling it was released because it’s marking the bittersweet nature of the relationship between Ai Jia and Zhongqi in its current state.

    How many times must Ai Jia’s poor heart break before even getting into a relationship? This poor girl has become so crestfallen that she only dares to follow Zhongqi from afar and slink in the background. 

    This show is doing a good job of milking all our ill-feelings and projecting it onto Qin Ma. What a manipulative, horrid woman! The passive-aggressiveness in her is so evident. Especially when she asked Ai Jia to protect Ming Yu as well! Oh, my goodness. She keeps reminding Ai Jia of her position as a bodyguard and only a bodyguard, and how she can’t cross the boundaries and the lines that have been drawn by her.

    Absolutely loved the scene where Zhongqi texted Ai Jia so tenderly and Ai Jia replied with the wrong “bear-hug” icon. I also noticed that this show has a wonderful habit of repeating motifs (re the army scarf) and putting in flashbacks at the most opportune times. I’m enjoying the scenes of Zhongqi and Ai Jia in happier and not-so happier times, and I love that Zhongqi is retracing his running route in hopes of seeing her. 

    And… grandmother to the rescue! I love love love her. So positive, and encouraging. At least we finally get to see more of Xiao Gui’s dimples in this ep. And know that grandma is in the Zhongqi-Ai Jia camp! 

    The character development of Ai Jia we predicted in this half of the show, that is so astounding, is her strength of character in the face of deep hurt and disappointment, and her willingness to resume her bodyguard duties despite the conflicting and strong emotions inside of her inclining her towards Zhongqi. That’s the beauty of this show. I don’t feel that the plot is trite at all, and I am enjoying the current state of affairs because it shows that a relationship takes the support of the people surrounding the relationship, and that sometimes complications arise because people are just so blinded by their own interests and not able to empathize with others. Thankfully, our female lead knows all of that, and though she’s rather slow to discover things at times, her sensitive spirit yet strong nature has given her the much greater capacity to sacrifice compared to the other females in the show (barring Cai Jie). I love the show’s portrayal of women in this respect! 

  14. 为什么做女朋友或妻子,要以“能够在事业上有帮助”或是“特助身份” 的条件来看呢?!仲祈告白加油~!

  15. 我真搞不懂,秦媽說這些話,明明就是要愛家傷心離開仲祈,但為什麽愛家不要堅持呢?中間那個廣告,仲祈跟愛家告白,明玉走的那一刻,我有一點開心,但我怕明天的那一集不是這個,我怕明天那一集是讓愛家更傷心的,希望明天的那一集會是我今天看到的廣告。我看到愛家和仲祈傳簡訊的時候我露出了笑容,我想這是我從第50集開始的第一個笑容了。

  16. 煩, 總經理已經說得很明白了吧! 那個人還在說’不知道, 只覺得很煩, 翻了很多漫畫書都找不到答案…’ 拜託編劇不要再把愛家寫成智障一樣, 這不叫單純可愛, 這叫做弱智, 煩, 煩, 煩! 再下去愛家不單得不到同情, 反而會開始討厭看到她!

  17. this is so annoying! every episode got road blocks sia!! Zhong Qi shld tell nai nai about his mummy and ming yu! she will settle it for him!!! >.<

    • telling nai nai will further damage family relationship between his mummy and others, he love his mummy, so he can’t do this and he don’t want to do this~

  18. *clenched fist* during qin ma and aijia conversation…even if a girl knows every language on earth, if that guy don’t like, knowing so many languages is not an advantage at all..

  19. ai jia is so ke lian!!! :'(

    zhong qi should get rid of ming yu first before wanting her to go back!
    this is too torturing for ai jia 🙁

  20. i really dont understand why ai jia and zhong qi havent gotten together yet ! they both know they like each other .. so what’s missing ?! i dont understand why ai jia is still hesitating !! 
    these episodes are so annoying !! just hurry and get together !! 

    • she is afraid that she is not the suitable person for zhong qi~ I think she was affected by her father… When you love someone you want him to hv the best and don’t wanna become his problem in future~

  21. 最大的問題是在仲祈吧!為什麼不敢告白?不敢拒絕?說一堆漂亮話,還不是什麼都沒說也沒做…..告愛家的爸爸,愛家會開心嗎?太詭異的劇情了!

  22. if the sister really kiss He Zhong Chi in the next episodes…. he needs to clean it with dettol or mouth cleaning liquid…. yuk  yukkkk yulll

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