The Queen of SOP Episode 10

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47 thoughts on “The Queen of SOP Episode 10

    • Her acting looks pretty awkward here but I thought the other shows she acted in was okay, especially the one she acted with show think it’s hot shot or sth. Maybe too much kissing scenes already. Lol.  

  1. 中國年輕演員看起來假假的, 都像抄襲韓劇演員的感覺~ 湯加兩姊弟就是最好的例子~ 姐姐長得很怪, 像是整形後整得太誇張又加上化妝畫得差, 整個很失敗 ==” 弟弟就明顯的自以為自己是韓劇演員囉~ 那髮型.. 唉~
    然後, 說話咬字還是怪怪的~ 要學台灣偶像劇台詞夾帶著英文, 但他們的英文發音很怪, 像是前兩集的VIP和idea說的真的很怪~

    • 什麼叫中國演員?! 他們都是在韓國定的妝!別亂說張翰在偶像劇裡他演的最好,外形不重要!誰在學台灣偶像劇說話啊!台灣偶像劇不加字幕的話根本就不知道在說什麼

    • You are some one who watches this Episode with diskrimination and prejudice. People like you
      are not qualified to give any comment. Clean your polluted eyes first.


    • 中国演员就长那个样 怎么了  他的发型是这个剧需要的发型 你懂不懂啊 现在男生谁的发型不是那样的 唉 滚~~~~~~~~

  2. LOVING THIS DRAMA! OMG JI QING IS JUST PLAIN ANNOYING -____- they’re just going around in circles.. she wants his love but she doesn’t want to give up his career so it’s just pointless if they keep getting back together but arguing about the same thing over and over again 

  3. 高以翔,蒋怡演技太僵硬了吧。。。那个吻怪怪的。。有点恶哦。。他们就只是脸蛋好看

  4. their kissing is not passionate enough…..gross and stiff…
    This celeb lady is sooo desperate and annoyingg…get the fuq outta here=.=”

  5. 高以翔和蒋怡 是比两个主角好看的,但演技就。。。花瓶 (我觉得我会被攻击)

    而且不用等一个礼拜 看那么一集,我一天看三集 ~ 吼吼吼吼

  6. I’m sorry; their kiss was awkward and their acting is very stiff, even tho they are like the ideal couple with the best bodies and the most money fame whatever; it’s just very stiff acting. I’m sorry. I liked her more in hot shot XDDD

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