54 thoughts on “Miss Rose Episode 18

  1. The drama still seems interesting to me. I don’t know ’bout y’all but i like it and can’t wait for episode 19!! People should set their expectation too high on short dramas like this. 
    J U S T   E N J O Y   T H E   G O D D A M N   S H O W ! ! !

  2. Sometimes I wish the writers could star in their own story, just so they can feel the pain the illogical and laughable plots in their heads inflicted on both the cast and the audience.  

    To watch these melodrama, we expect a certain level of cheesiness and suspense of disbelief.  The good guy/girl is too good for their own good to the extent of a saint, the bad guy/girl is too dumb for to cover their track when committing a crime.  It’s the end of the world if a couple cannot work in the same company because it’s obviously the only corporation on the whole island of Taiwan, and it’s a crime to drop a broken nail near a co-worker’s cube since fake nails never come loose unless you’re typing someone else’s password.  

    Watch it, or not, it’s your definition of entertainment, at least it makes us feel superior intellectually…

    • 還有那要哭不哭的苦瓜臉,簡直看了就帶賽,賴雅妍真的演技很差,每次她演那楚楚可憐的戲都無法讓我覺得她值得同情,還讓我出戲

  3. its getting boring and draggy. I’m just gonna give up on this drama nowwwwwww ): There’s just too much drama mama happening. Why can’t the female protagonist just quit her job and go somewhere else with the male protagonist… Then everything will be fine cause all they want is each other’s love. Gosh. 

  4. Either Roy’s acting too good makes Megan Lai’s acting seem below average, or Megan totally not suited for this role. She better as evil woman in drama, not as kind-hearted considerate office girl >.<

  5. i keep wondering what on earth Shen Jun actually does in the office~ we never see him do any work~ he just lounges on the couch in Cheng Kuan’s office and follows him around… 

  6. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum Big Lips with Too Much Botox Shaka Sisters together, one dancing a comedic funky Flamingo dance while the other watches.

  7. 有点受不了这剧情了。。才多大点事儿啊,搞得像生离死别似的。。拜托控制情绪,用成熟的方法处理问题。。。偶像剧也不要这么幼稚嘛。。

  8. Who says that lovers must work with the same company ?!? I would have left the company long time ago if I were her. Don’t see the benefits of continue working there both for business and personal reasons. No point to stick with a company that does not appreciate the hardwork and also, the relationship with Gao might be easier if working in 2 different companies. what is the mentality of the screen writers???

  9. wow, 小可is a bigger person, even willing to help evil宋廷嬡after all that BS. & omg 邱澤really out did himself playing 高丞寬in this episode! <3

    • so touching!! but I swear.. Vivian, I love your determination and dedication but its getting tiring and boring to watch you… we need to move on… quick! :p 

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