60 thoughts on “Miss Rose Episode 07

  1. I’ve been thinking the same as many of you. The female lead doesn’t go well with Roy does she? 🙁 Its such a pity when Roy’s such a good actor!!! Wish he’d have a chance to act with the female lead in “Waking Love Up” again!

  2. 我覺得賴雅言很美啊!現代很多人都有去整形,能維持自己的特色已經很不容易了!
    我記得有一年去看台灣設計展,裡面有件作品竟然有賴雅言(因為也有放照片所以確定是他)。我覺得他的美是由內散發出,一推複製人的美有什麼好看的 我真的不懂耶?

  3. The female lead in thus show and the one in office girls have the same dead pan look. Why can’t Roy Chiu be given a female lead with more expression?

  4. Ending pose of the dance is *bleh*. Don’t like Megan Lai in this drama. Her face like hardened, cannot express the emotions. And her eyebrows so damn annoying…

  5. OMG. Rose was super ugly in this episode… can’t stand her saggy eyes….

    Her ex-boyfriend’s not that good looking either… 

    the fashion is horrible….

  6. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~阿阿阿阿阿阿阿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~男的女的衣服都好醜~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~服裝是導演兼著做的喔~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  7. Xiao Ke did what I would’ve done, yell at your friend for still being effected by an ex…all out of concern. Aw. I love your friendship.

    • 台灣的夾娃娃機直接夾的幾乎是不可能,因為鉤子太鬆,除非剛好塞到勾到的地方不會掉落~ 大多得靠”推”才有辦法得到,就像在此劇裡,雖然沒有拍到娃娃被推進洞口,不過極有可能是掉下來後滾進洞口裡的~

  8. 30 thousand! hee… kuan kuan’s love for luo si yi….=)
    the dance look abit awkward but… on the whole… i think kuan kuan is so cute~~~
    he even worries about her menses? lol… cannot eat ice I heard before… but no sweet stuff, is the first time leh.. hee…. 

  9. Hahaha.
    Did I hear right? Did he ask her to take care of her menses right? And how to prevent dysmenorrhoea?
    Hahaha… I am dying. I don’t watch much TW but is this a usual line in TW?

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