The X-Dormitory (終極X宿舍) Episode 28

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Tipster Rednimer

26 thoughts on “The X-Dormitory (終極X宿舍) Episode 28

  1. It’s like already the 30th episode & no da zhan nor Yi neng all that. Where are our Ah Xiang, LeiTing, DaDong, DongChengWei & SpeXial (Ke chuan)s. Still looking forward. Hoping the outcome will not be like KO2. Having the need to re film new season. Yet hoping there will be Xfamily 3 ^^ Still loving KO as always!!! <3

  2. OMG. I’ve been shipping han and xiu since zhongjiyijia!! >< Even if it is a dream, just give it to me. <3

  3. Actually, Xiu and Han are destined lovers -> turned into enemies -> then turn back neutral relationship. Right now, if Xiu and Han get back together, i wont be surprised but feel disappointed because of AhXiang. XiuXiang ship is way better than all DaDong/XiaTian/SunCe ‘s ships. Ah, I miss XiuXiang ship… Maybe i should go and rewatch K.O.3anguo for the 123453423x time.
    Han and XiaTian are actually siblings of the same Father.

    其实,修和寒的家族都是恋人,然后变成仇人,又变回普通朋友。而且那时候,修每次说 ”只弹琴不谈情“,直到他遇见孙尚香。所以如果啊香没有回来,我会希望修能够幸福开心的。不过,我还是觉得修香恋比较可爱和好看。
    寒和夏天是同父异母的兄妹。 《- 这叫乱伦如果他们真的在一起的活。

    Afterall, I’m watching this show just for Xiu. All these while their acting about love, love, love and its not funny at all. Only AhGong’s acting is funny.

    • 如果你真的 看完整的 你会知道 夏天和寒 不是兄妹。 寒 是 刀片人, 寒和死人 没有血缘关系 在终极一家 最后几集 有 说到 所以 大家才那么 期待 夏天和 寒 在一起。

      如果看过 娱乐百分百 有关于终极 的人,你们大致上 会知道 寒 到 40集 (最后1集) 都还在找 夏天。
      基本上 带着 放弃 的 心态了~ 但是!! 修是阿香的啦!! -嘻嘻-

      • 也许是我的记忆花了。 我只记得有一场,寒的妈妈躺在病床上,告诉死人寒是他的女儿。
        不过,我还是比较喜欢修香恋。 哈哈哈

    • 厚… 我真的看到很乱了啦… =.=

      我从终极一班看到今天… 感觉要疯掉了…

      总觉得如果修跟寒在一起的话… 看了很别扭耶… :|哇… 现在剧情好复杂….

      但是我也只是回来看修而已:P 哈哈~

    • Erm, nope XiaTian & Han are not biological sibling. They make a mistake & afterwards, they realized it’s a mistake. If u had watch Xfamily closely, U would have noticed this part 😀

  4. 他们怎么可以这样呢?脩是有提到阿香可是怎么可以还是喜欢寒?一定是那个粉坠在搞鬼吧!我不相信夏天不会回来。

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