Tie The Knot (媽咪的男朋友) Episode 65

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16 thoughts on “Tie The Knot (媽咪的男朋友) Episode 65

  1. If it was okay for every sperm donor to just show up and demand rights to there kid no woman would use the system for fear of there child being taken away by a man she doesn’t know. That’s why they have confidentiality agreements so that the woman using the service can feel safe any child they have will be there child.

  2. I dislike the way xiao mei’s brother talks to allan…allan helped him out a lot…why is he talking like he commands allan to not do this and that when seeing hao hao…instead of trying to see in allan’s perspective…he is forcing allan out of boundary…

    • Dude he is right though
      If allen donated his sperm he signed a confidentiality agreement. The firm has no right to release his information to the family that got his sperms and vice versa. He has no rights to any children created from his sperm. In the US or in Taiwan. If the writers try to bend the law then they are gonna create false ideas about the actual law.

  3. Ok this show is close to an ending now. I still feel the chemistry between xiomei and shijia is off. The interaction and chemistry is not connected when they are a couple. Go Allan and be a good dad for houhou.

  4. Well done Allan, you have chosen not to join the evil woman, you have your integrity and good friendship with Sze Jia and xio mei don’t loose that.

    Just hope Sze Jia dad and mum will not give him pressure.

  5. Looks like Allan is going to upset Xiaomei by pushing his way to claim legal right as father to Hao Hao. Xiaomei’s brother was correct that Allan has given up his right. Happy to see Shijia and Xiaomei much closer with each other now!

  6. Oh no, Rima is evil. She is bulldozing it through with her wedding scheme! Just thankful that Allen did not agree to join forces with her to break up SM and SJ.

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