The Crossing Hero (超級大英雄) Episode 36 Description: Episodes: [sniplet The Crossing Hero] The Crossing Hero (超級大英雄) Episode 30The Crossing Hero (超級大英雄) Episode 29The Crossing Hero (超級大英雄) Episode 28The Crossing Hero (超級大英雄) Episode 27The Crossing Hero (超級大英雄) Episode 26The Crossing Hero (超級大英雄) Episode 25The Crossing Hero (超級大英雄) Episode 24The Crossing Hero (超級大英雄) Episode 23The Crossing Hero (超級大英雄) Episode 22The Crossing Hero (超級大英雄) Episode 21<<123456>> DMVidme TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5? TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". May 11, 2015 Tipster Rednimer