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香港「文記燒鵝」可說是全球最富盛名的中餐廳,被國際媒體選為世界十大食府之一,連續五年得到米其林二星的殊榮,眾多名人、富豪都是其座上客,有富貴食堂之稱... 但此時文記卻遇到了史上最難的困境... |
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October 30, 2015
is the female lead actress wearing a wig or is her hair real? looks very weird
lol her hair is really like this. in fact, seems like this is the one and only hairstyle she ever has HAHAHAHA. Seeing all the other shows she has done haha!
People fear failure so much that they refuse to try new things.
Maybe hairsprays make her hair stiff, crunchy and immobile.