Summer Fever Episode 16

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14 thoughts on “Summer Fever Episode 16

  1. for a second, I thought it was guigui’s twin sister coming out of that airport; hiding the fact that her twin sister died from cancer o.o that would be a good plot line! instead of having george hu all sad about guigui dying and then trying to find some concilation with her twin sister o.o but  it’s weird how guigui never even mentioned her twin sister to george o.O not even once and her sister didn’t even come to visit guigui when she was at the hospital o.O not even for a little bit o.o that kinda makes the story a bit fake, but other than that, the story was pretty touching o.o especially the coma dad o.O

      • yea, i know but the fact that her sister didn’t visit her in the hospital o.O and guigui leaving out the twin part is so unnatural o.O like who mentions their siblings leaving out the twin part? o.O kinda weird to me but other than that the two are so cute together! so wish she doesn’t die later on ToT I rememeber when I was obsessed with guigui and arron when MIT came out; now it is GGG couple I’m obsessed with guigui+george

        • since her sister is in france it’s not that easy to fly all the way back to see her, and plus even her dad didn’t come see her at the hospital. i think it’s because this time it wasn’t so serious so they both didn’t come and maybe just called to check up on her. and her sister told xiao qing not to tell anyone that they are twins so she can have some fun

  2. 這一集哭好慘…許磊爸跟寬爸都是很偉大很偉大的父親
    預告也讓人很感動…小青對阿寬說 你知道嗎 能和你在一起的每一天都是奇跡<3

  3. this episode is so sad. cried so much when ah kuan’s mother realise that it’s ah kuan’s dad on the bed in the hospital :'( and also with xulei’s dad. ah fatherly love~~

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