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任職於天璽集團秘書室的鍾雨棠,從不覺得自己是後菜鳥,自認為把份內該做的事都做得妥妥的,下屬也都很服從她,包括她在內的每個人都以為她即將接手成為首席秘書,就只差正式的人事命令了... 但人算不如天算,就像抓破頭也想不到新任執行長會是小時候住對門而且還是放牛班的「紀文凱」! 鍾雨棠所有的「自以為」都讓紀文凱很光火,並視為不上進,於是將雨棠降至「業務墳場」業務三課,開始一連串的魔鬼訓練... |
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May 29, 2016
哇塞!!! 這麼爛的編劇, 真是百年難得一見. 食之無味,言之無物, 爛透了! 我國中的時候寫的小說比這個還精彩. Lame story line. You can tell the actors and actresses are acting kinda awkward coz most of the lines they recite were stupid. Unbelievable!
it is always so sweet to see WK and YT together … the scene at the cemetery was emotional yet so touching for the couple!
it is sad that 雨棠 still cannot come out from the departure of her mother. But it will be silly to to blame/or angry with 紀文凱when she found out the mum actually went out to buy the special eggs for 文凱 and die on the way home. No body can predict accident. Even if she is home, no guarantee the mum will be alive if it is time to go.
I used to hate Mondays but not now. After my WK’s breakfast, yes… toast with half peanut butter half chocolate spread, I enjoy another great episode. The dreadful Mondays are gone, well, until Refresh Man ends 🙁