The Pursuit of Happiness (愛的生存之道) Episode 13 The End

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24 thoughts on “The Pursuit of Happiness (愛的生存之道) Episode 13 The End

  1. I love this drama so much to the point of watching it twice. Though. I’am disappointed with episode 10 coz it contains different drama and not the should be episode 10 of this story. I hope there is another team up of sonia and tony in the future. They have a good chemistry.

  2. Hai lun (Helen) deserves a much better MAN than the whiny little bitch she’s dating. She should end up with her friend from childhood, her equal in both status and strength of mind.

  3. I don’t know what is it that makes Tiffany such a commitment phobe. I mean all she referenced was watching her mom and dad argue growing up, but honestly I’m sure 90% of married couples get into fights and arguments on the regular…that’s definitely not enough to turn someone completely away from marriage. And she is so SELFISH to make that decision to abort the baby without telling her boyfriend. Thank God Ah Tai loves her, or no other man would put up with her narcissistic tendencies.

    • I think because she needs to pay for her company’s loss (in the previous episode Director Shen asked her and Simon to pay half of the loss)

  4. What a disappointment. This drama started out strong with great castings and storylines or so it seems…. And then it fell completely flat. It just drags on and on… 或許是要素求好的質感但太多不必要的旁白及os反而有點顯得多餘了。 我是以跳躍的方式看完的。男女主角的個性其實都不討喜,很龜毛。結局是偶像化了。以他們的個性應該是不會那麼快就在一起的。I did like the settings especially An Li’s home interior… 其實我還蠻喜歡另一對的。。。 他們是真的遇到了外在的阻礙而一起勇敢的去面對克服。 最後沒有很詳細的交代但海輪應該是隨愛去了然後把位子讓給了安蕾吧。

  5. LOL at the dog on the bed watching them kiss! Best actor goes to him! XD I thought Sonia did a great job. Tony, not his best. However, my fav scene of his was at the end when he found out about the baby!

  6. I was not expected such a short drama; nevertheless nicely done ending especially for Yi Kang and An Lei couple! I literally almost cried watching both of them in Part 4, brilliant acting from both Tony and Sonia. For this drama, Tony is really impressive with his role as Yi Kang, his emotions are all over his face; he did it in an earlier episode and again a strong finish for this episode.

  7. their acting are so good! yi kang’s expression upon the knowledge of his child was so real! I really wanted to cry then.

  8. I’m really surprised by how far Sonia’s acting has gone since her earlier dramas. Her acting has gotten so good that you can feel all the emotions her character is supposed to be feeling during any scene.

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