Pleasantly Surprised (喜歡·一個人) Episode 15

Description: Episodes:

「兩個人不會更好,所以我喜歡一個人」,這一直是杜凱琪深信不疑的信念,不管媽媽怎麼勸她,她都不為所動, 因為對凱琪而言,男人不會比媽媽還重要。兩個人在一起,我還要顧慮他的感受、遷就他,這是何必呢? 所以凱琪除了家人之外,最重要的就是做料理跟漫畫!兩件自己去做比兩個人做還開心的事。

傅子杰,一個低調不願出名卻擁有精湛手藝的法式廚師,總是能觀察到別人的心思,用最舒服的方式與人相處。 卻因為哥哥的不諒解,選擇自己到法國獨立生活。


為了滿足爸爸的願望,子杰從法國回來,答應在自家法式餐廳Figaro Cuisine 隱藏身分實習一個月,沒想到竟然意外在餐廳看到小時候就認識的杜凱琪?!凱琪也漸漸發現只要這個傅子杰在身邊,情緒總是受子杰影響,不像以前的自己!不過讓凱琪興奮的一件事是,她在一次尋找食材的過程中發現快要找到那位她一直很崇拜的主廚Louis,只是,種種線索都將Louis指向傅子杰,凱琪驚覺,難道我一直崇拜的對象…會是傅子杰嗎?!

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14 thoughts on “Pleasantly Surprised (喜歡·一個人) Episode 15

  1. Great to see that Ah Jie’s brother can finally let the past be the past … happy episodes from hereon except for the kidnapping twist. Why do we need the kidnapping “drama” except to bring closure for Kaichi and her dad?
    In these latter episodes I have grown to like the character played by Jolin Chien, although he is not main lead, maybe because he is acting so cool and supportive to Kaichi. He is a very attractive looking 2nd male lead … did not quite like him when he first appeared in the drama to “compete” with Ah Jie but he slowly captured the audience attention.

  2. 绑架事件也安排得太逊了吧。超没说服力的。阿杰进到绑匪窝, 只会叫 ’哥,凯琪‘,什么也没做, 还两手空空!叫屁啊,是要通知绑匪我来了,连我一起绑吗?讨皮痒。。。

  3. I didn’t watch the first few episode, so I don’t know what happened with Kai Qi
    ( 凱琪 ) and her dad, can someone please explain?

    • kai qi’s dad always gambling and hit her mother and stuff…kai qi hates her father…she lived with her mother…away from her father….her dad always come drunk/ or just come to them for money to pay for huge amount of debt…this time her father probably try to kidnap the rich family to get money out of it..

  4. This episode made me cried three times – The scene when they made the toast and thought of the past when their mother used to make the toast, the scene when her mother ate the toast, and the preview when 凯琪 and 子杰 hugged in the hospital )))’:

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