Mr. Right Wanted (徵婚啟事) Episode 06

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Tipster Rednimer

12 thoughts on “Mr. Right Wanted (徵婚啟事) Episode 06

  1. Epi 6 part 3 at 1:09… Did she “borrow” the corset/bras from the store? That’s the same place she “borrowed” the earrings, right? That’s so gross!

    • Why is it so gross? She borrowed those things from her cousin who owns a (clothing) store. Her cousin previously said she rented those earrings anyway.
      PS: This isn’t the first plot hole on the show, is it? Just relax & enjoy this romantic idol show, shall we? 🙂

  2. Royal Worcester fine bone china…slightly more expensive than my Alex Liddy…without taking into consideration of forex coversion…

  3. 只是拉个围巾,能让人旋转?台湾导演是怎样? 跌倒就一定会亲亲,旋转就一定会跌入别人怀里??太扯了吧?

    • Of course 跌倒就一定会亲亲!!! You’re watching Taiwanese Drama that’s why. Not very smart plot for not very smart… err I mean not very smart plot for very easy going audiences.

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