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[sniplet Love For All The Moments] |
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November 17, 2013
Description: | Episodes: |
[sniplet Love For All The Moments] |
看的出來小煜飾演的亞傑內心的掙扎,既想跟慧貞趕快穩定下來,但面對慧貞的質疑卻手足無措,表情做的好足喔! 一邊看一邊為他擔心能不能圓謊,強顏歡笑的樣子,其實他自己也知道慧貞很介意吧,好想知道失去工作的他還能不能好好保護這份感情,還會選擇一直退讓一直溫柔貼心來好好守護自己愛的人嗎
慘不忍睹的髮型跟濃妝 這是含苞欲墜每一天的續集嗎?
Ha ha it’s way too strange with all that make up. So un-natural! All I can see is her eyes and the make up around it, not her acting.
Also lots of time female lead talk and bicker like a little girl… Doesn’t portrait someone who’s mature enough to own a floral shop.