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劇情以餐飲高職餐飲科為故事背景。 當天才神廚碰上熱血女教師,他們要如何料理這群名為青春的美好滋味? 韓杰,高傲又自信的天才廚師,放棄了在歐洲極富盛名餐廳事業,轉而到四平高中任教,他所做的一切都是為了多年前的一個約定…。 |
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November 27, 2015
I really cant take my eyes off han jie. I like him so much. There is no way no one could not fall in love with his charming smile. my mouth never closes up whenever I see han jie and xiao rou together because I just keep smiling for their sweetness.
After finish this chapter I don’t think so HJ & XR have happy ending bt hope both of them have ending (happy)
The drama should be coming to an end .. no need to drag .. XR and HJ happily together and the student couples. Unless we want to wait till Wen laosi comes back …
My favorite comment in the whole show so far…”bling bling de Barbie”. HAHAHA I died laughing 🙂