TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". April 6, 2015 Tipster Rednimer
1 thought on “Long Day’s Journey into Light (出境事務所) Episode 05”
This is such a good show thus far! It has deftly touched on (sometimes very briefly) on so many issues in just 5 episodes – death, dealing with the pain of grief and loss, sexual abuse, infidelity, depression, illness, brain death… the list goes on… on top of it, it’s actually funny and showcases realistic characters. I feel that each scene has been carefully directed and has a purpose. And, someone should give Chris Wu an award for his acting already. Man, that guy really can act.
This is such a good show thus far! It has deftly touched on (sometimes very briefly) on so many issues in just 5 episodes – death, dealing with the pain of grief and loss, sexual abuse, infidelity, depression, illness, brain death… the list goes on… on top of it, it’s actually funny and showcases realistic characters. I feel that each scene has been carefully directed and has a purpose. And, someone should give Chris Wu an award for his acting already. Man, that guy really can act.