Description: | Episodes: |
辜戰與止戈兩人再度陷入兄弟鬩牆的局面,終極一班群龍無首,八大高校爭鬥不斷,勢必要在兩人之間決定新的終極一班老大,止戈因為想起了之前和辜戰之間「兩者切磋武藝,必不能放水」的誓言,也將放手一搏。就在兩人打得難分難捨之際,辜戰的戰力指數躍升!使得這場比試變得危險,眼看就要兩敗俱傷,卻已經沒人能夠阻止這場爭鬥,止戈刑天盾奮力猛力的一擊,辜戰應聲倒下!終極一班新的老大誕生了嗎? 鐵時空那端的大戰仍未止息,大東與夏天並肩作戰對抗魔界大軍抽不開身,委託了東城衛首席戰鬥團團長脩帶著雷婷先行回到金時空,沒想到脩和雷婷在回金時空的路上卻意外遇伏擊分散,雷婷不知去向!尋不到雷婷的脩不斷自責自己沒有保護好雷婷,更因為怕大東分心,而不敢把這件事告訴大東,所以找上終極一班的同學們,帶來這個消息,就是希望能在黃金72小時裡,找到失蹤的雷婷。 同時,在精神病院裡的斷腸人感覺到詭異的氣氛,正想逃離為時已晚,神秘人喬裝成醫護人員倏地出現,熟悉的面孔現身在斷腸人的面前,再次勾起斷腸人過去恩怨的回憶,沒有人知道那個病房裡發生了什麼事,只知道斷腸人從此下落不明... |
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June 28, 2016
I have been find this drama for along time I just find the full episode
How about episode 3?
why is it only 20 minutes?
they changed it to airing only half an hour per episode monday – friday. minus the opening and ending song, and commercial times, we only get 20 minutes of drama :/ so if i remember correctly, there will be a total of 60 episodes of 30 min episodes
one ep only 20 mins??
ugh so hot omg
1 story she paired up with 3 diff dudes
Other web already ep 5 but here only 2 lol
but their quality bad as fuck
what web? Thx
those are china release online. This is GTV ver. so all the hokkien parts are intact. So it is up to you to follow the china or taiwan ver.
so is this suppose to be the taiwan version or china version??
simplified Chinese characters in the china version and traditional Chinese characters for the taiwan version. also if there’s a GTV logo on the top right, then it’s the taiwan version.
How come lei ting appear at zhi at house. Don’t like the new spexial member…
Lei ting was taken there by them cause she was hurt.
Its was simply a nightmare