KO One II Episode 30 The End

Description: Episodes:
Story takes place after the real Liu Bei returned to the Silver Dimension. When Wang Da Dong was delivering Liu Bei through the inter-dimensional portal, he encountered a timequake and was thrown to ten years in the future. In the future, all the people on the KO ranking have mysteriously disappeared and the class of KO One is now controlled by a girl named King.

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265 thoughts on “KO One II Episode 30 The End

  1. Technically Lei Ting and Wan Jun should still know each other as the timeline was changed after they already knew each other,not before.

  2. So meaning only Da Dong forget the “past” while the rest will still remembers him? Which proceeds to KO Re-act where Da Dong is 28 yrs old and don’t know any single one of his classmates.

  3. needs ding Xiao yu and wang ya se in there the pictures don’t count and that wong da dong is only in here about half of the show

  4. In retrospect, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA all you losers here commenting on how
    shit the ending is when it was all just a plot to bring in KO one re-act, and the 1st episode of KO one re-act is simply amazinggggggggg, still HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ALL YOU DUMB FUCKS WHO COMPLAIN ABOUT THE ENDING, DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE DIRECTORS ARE THINKING YET COMMENT ABOUT THEM, MAKE YOU GUYS LOOK LIKE FOOLS HAHAHAHA

  5. it is only the ending that sucks!! if you realise, the story plot makes sense, and it is ok. just that you guys like jiro too much. i admit jiro missing later is quite disappointing, as the hyperness dropped too much due to jiro’s absence. but if you get over that, it really is ok! saying it sucks is a bit too much…

  6. 萬鈞愿意陪雷婷穿越,一起死。 死前听到雷婷答应他, 开心的笑了,但因为即将要死了, 所以哭着去的,看得我好心酸,哭惨了! ! 萬鈞那么爱她,雷婷萬鈞那么感人,怎么会还有人要東婷恋?! 不知道 終極一班3 会变成什么样。。。历史改变了,等于这段感人的故事没有发生吗?­ TT.TT

  7. 这是一个让我感到最无奈的一个结局,大东走后,这些集也不知道在拖什么,也不知道你们是怎么拖下去的。最后的结局让我对导演和编剧的智商刮目相看,让我耗费美好时光去看这个世上最好笑最瞎扯,没有逻辑没有意义的电视剧。你说堂堂汪大东是男主角吧,那为什么要演一半戏就别你们写死一样?雷婷为什么在为汪大东爱来爱去以后喜欢中万钧?有这样编剧的吗?最后结局是怎样?断肠人好像认识雷婷?可是她和他只见过一次面,其他都是黑龙在扮演的,难道你要跟我扯他们是双胞胎有互相感应??万钧和雷婷不是青梅竹马吗?为什么是“重逢”?汪大东最后只出现了一分钟,这就是你对待男主角的态度?麻烦你编剧下次不要接这样的戏,好好的终极系列被你搞成这样像话吗??我说完了。谢谢!!!


    对不起,但我实在忍不住才要说这些。请谅解。I am usually a nice person.

    PS Jiro…4ever support u!

  8. the WORST ending ever..dadong appeared for 3 seconds..what..what apart the part where leiting looks at dadong and cries in the beginning song……..

  9. Stupid ending sia no nice at all no emotional sence type too loame i better watch
    zhen ai chen xian zai it better lol

  10. FUCK

  11. 東婷戀
    2月7日13:12 ·




    西城衛團長令的出現是為了找到汪大東並把鐵時空灸舞盟主的推測告知大東(盟主懷疑有人在破壞金時空的時空秩序,想調查時卻發現連接金時空的時空之門消失了) ,並協助大東,斷腸人(黑龍)一起調查真相並找出時空之門。
    在五熊的指引下大東等人找到了斷腸人用生命守護的時空之門,斷腸人在最後一刻與黑龍冰釋前嫌,黑龍哽咽著說出“哥,下輩子我們還做兄弟,我愛你” ,斷腸人消散,最後對著大東說到,“汪大東小朋友,金時空就靠你拯救了。”話落人散,時空門現。
    龐教授冷漠地看著黑龍,緩緩舉槍,再度瞄準時空之門,槍聲響起,時空之門安然無恙,因為耿烈又為其擋下一槍,龐教授冷笑一聲道,“愚蠢,我看還有誰能阻止我。”抬手就準備射出第三槍時,大東率領終極一班及時趕到。 “姓龐的,要想毀掉時空之門先問問我這個史上最強高中生汪大東手中的龍紋鏊同不同意!萬鈞,借顆彈珠用。”
    事情終於水落石出,而此時的龐教授面目猙獰,從口袋中掏出一支注射器向自己扎去,艾校醫大喊一聲不好,原來龐教授注射的是WTD病毒進階版RX-WTDⅡ。瞬間龐教授的氣勢大增,眾人瞬間被氣浪震倒在地,大東憑藉著龍紋鏊將戰力指數飆升到12000點才勉強抵禦住,此時艾校醫向大東喊道,“快用時空之門回到十年前,毀掉WTD病毒!”龐教授剛想阻止大東的行動,卻發現腳被耿烈給死死抱住,一時掙脫不開,緊接著中萬鈞,令,花靈龍,那個誰,裘球,黑龍和艾校醫均沖向龐教授,死命拖住他不讓其阻擋汪大東,中萬鈞大喊道:“去吧!汪大東!這裡我們替你擋著!快走!”大東大喊道:“兄弟們堅持住!我很快就會解決的!”話音剛落遍閃現到了時空之門前,剛欲穿越,一隻柔軟的小手握住了他的手,回頭一看,是雷婷。 “汪大東!這次不許你一個人再單獨冒險!我陪你一起去!”大東看著眼前的雷婷,一抹不羈的笑容掛上嘴邊,說了句“姓雷的,那跟緊了,走丟了找起你來很麻煩的。”隨即與雷婷一起踏入了時空之門。
    大東和雷婷走在十年前的芭拉高中里,走到了十年後King等著大東的那個地方時,大東突然停下了腳步,讓走在身後的雷婷猝不及防撞在了他的背上。 “汪大東你個死人找打啊,好好的剎什麼車啊。”King揉著鼻子抬手就欲揍大東一拳,卻被大東霸道地攬入懷中,瞬間雷婷滿臉通紅,支支吾吾地說:“你,你想幹嘛~”

  12. 腦子壞了啦!最後那一分鐘才讓大東再出來!什麼爛劇本!根本就失去當年的霸氣!發放病毒都出來了!下次終極一班3是不是要把外星人叫出來,然後宇宙大爆炸全世界都失憶!

  13. erh excuse me , ppl insulting the script, did u even watched it properly?
    remember the scene where the grandfather was explaining why he hated lei ting ?
    she was like a baby? so if the grandfather was there with her , not hating her when history changed, lei ting might not even be in the same kindergarden with zhong wan jun, or even if she is in the same class in kindergarden , they probably wont even remember each other or even talk to each other until when they met when they grow up
    seriously ppl go and watch the last few episodes again or watch everything again before u comment about the script

    • History only changed from the day the grown up Leiting and Wanjun went back 10years ago, which is when the young them are already good friends . And when the history is changed, things changed should be yinengxingzhe and yineng returning, Dadong and co, Duanchangren and Hualinglong still alive and etc, not Leiting and Wanjun not even knowing each other.

  14. Guys… I think that the ending was left like that on purpose so that they can make a part 2 to KO One return. I hope that they will bring back all the old characters from KO One cuz they mentioned them at the very end. But I have to say… the drama left a lot of gaps empty and created lots of confusion, but I still enjoyed the show cuz Pets Ceng’s acting skills really made this show really really good. Pets Ceng for the win! anyone else with me on this point? =D

    • I agree. They better bring back the old characters that were mentioned in the end for the reunion. Do not lie to us AGAIN! They also need to have better plot next time. If they can’t do all of these, they better not cast Pets Ceng again. Let her pursue her music career.

      • I agree, but I think that Pets Ceng should take part in more dramas because her acting is just amazing, and at the same time she could be offered the opportunity to sing songs for dramas just like this one! =D

  15. Didn’t wished to say much but the ending just seemed like the directors didn’t really put in much effort enough to prove the scientific term is reliable in the story plot. (E.g Logically, Lei ting and Zhong wan jun shouldn’t even not knowing one another on the other day and remember the promised they made. ) Just have to wait for the part 3 out, very not satisfied with these horrendous ending. I felt being cheated to be frank.

  16. The last episode of every KO series always has an epic battle, the class wins, then they have a emotional/cute/dramatic ending with everything tied up. It was like that with KO One, The X Family, and KO 3an Guo. This ending…just completely breaks the tradition.

  17. It’s not that we’re crazy bou’ Dadong, the fact that we want him back is bcos this storyline went to nowhere after depicting Dadong departure to 10years ago and we were hoping that Dadong’s return would bring the story back to track again. Sadly, the director or whoever don’t understand our intentions and they just invite Dadong back to film a one min meaningless ending.): I don’t see the “KO series blood” flowing since ep 16, this season sucks seriously.0:

  18. 感覺終極一班味道都不見了
    根本離題了 前面是好看到後面斷了樣 根本難終極一班的名氣來的!
    都不好看遠本很期待 失落感大減!!* (嘆)

  19. 我一直搞不懂, 根據終2說汪大東在十前年跟黑龍一戰之後就只剩下幾千點的戰力指數, 隨即就遇上工廠爆炸死掉了, 那他是從哪一個時間點穿越到銀時空遇到劉備(終極三國的開始)? 不到八千點戰力指數不可能穿越時空不是嗎? 而且終極三國裡的汪大東, 王亞瑟, 丁小雨他們都好好的… /.

  20. really disappointed with the ending. i heard it wasnt the actual script . i read the actual script in the facebook page and it was really good

  21. omg the ending. cried so hard when wanjun and leiting died. T.T damn. IS THE PLOT LIKE THIS BECAUSE DADONG HAVE TO LEAVE THE SHOW HALFWAY TO FILM OTHERS?!!! HAIS.

  22. the was the most disappointing ending ever… and confusing because weren’t WJ and King childhood friends??? They knew each other when they were children. so how the hell do they not know each other 10 years later…

  23. 很多人都說終極系列是像卡通片的偶像劇,但作為從終極一家看到現在的忠實觀眾,我覺得終極系列的教育性很高

    朋友 家人 信任…

    就像那後門 所謂的交易 就是要得到就要懂得取捨 生命就是時間 要珍惜我們所擁有的 活得精彩

    完完全全的犧牲掉終極的精神 可悲。

  24. so disapoointed with this ending episode. Yes it dun make sense the ending about them not knowing each other… pls let season 3 have Jiro and the original cast in it… or else it seems really pointless…

  25. I think I read it some where that Pets did mentioned there is a continue to this current ending…
    Me too, agree the part that Lei Ting and Wan Jun act unfamiliar is not logical at all…
    But are they really adding the previous cast into the next season? Looking forward… …

  26. WTFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is such bullshit!!!! i wan to treat it as if this series nv happened.. but the starting was so good!! with King and DaDong!!! wtf u do to this awesome series??!!!!!! seriously, if it wasn’t for Pets after DaDong left, i would have totally scrap this show.. and the song Pets sang for this is nice. but screw you man!! the scriptwriter!!! if you ran out of ideas, get a bloody new job!! argh!!!

  27. WOW so “interesting” the show is totally bullshit ever since Da Dong return to his own world. Story get extremely pointless and boring.

  28. 终极一班 2 ending is horrible. 10年后的终极一班怎么了?

  29. Though the ending was a bit disappointing, I really liked the part when they tried to convince the grandfather, I almost cried. Pets is really good at acting, and the guy as Zhong Wan Juin is not bad for first time.

  30. 聽說前16集是柯導拍的 後來柯導被氣走 後14集才換
    林清芳導演來拍 -.-
    本來柯導結局好像是東婷戀的樣子 …

  31. If they end this series anyhow just to make the next series epic, i don’t mind, but if next series is still the same result, i really have nothing to say..

  32. Even if Lei Ting and Wan Jun lost their memory they should still be in Zhong Ji Yi Ban -_- how can they not know each other 🙁 At least show us that the class is still there and Hua Ling Long is alive

  33. The whole time I stayed up midnights to quickly see this episodes and THIS IS THE ENDING???? THE FUUU!! This is the worst KO storyline ever … the ending should be this … Da Dong and everybody in Zhong Ji Yi Ban appears and visits the 10 yrs later. Da Dong decided to bring back Lei Ting and Zhong Wan Jun with Qiu Qiu <3


  34. Compared to 终极一班, 终极一家 and 终极三国, this whole show is disappointing seriously. I rather wait longer for KO ONE returns to air but with a better plot of course, than to rush the whole show with just a meaningless storyline. The actors are good, but without a good show they can’t display their skills at all. From my point of view, the story went haywire after Dadong left(not that im biased but it’s true) I’m a KO series fan but I am utterly disappointed and I hope that they can come up with a nice part 3 to make up for this “show”.

  35. 烂透了!雷婷认得断肠人我可以接受,可是断肠人不该认得雷婷嘛。当时的断肠人是黑龙假扮的嘛

  36. I honestly think they got Zhong Wan Jun & Lei Ting together is not all that bad. You all probably complaining because Da Dong didn’t get the ending he deserved, and yeah, probably this episode was too anti climatic, 30 episodes ain’t enough. But don’t criticize so much on Wan Jun & Lei Ting. Comes to think of it, they went through a lot more then Lei Ting does with Da Dong. If not for the past, and King having all those memories, they would have been together.

  37. what a terrible way to end the series…it’s almost as if they had to finish it off cos the ratings were in rapid decline…honestly, the worst season of this franchise…should have left it alone after the last one…

  38. Think i wasted my 30 hrs on such a cheap ending. seriously, every episode hoping that da dong will be back. but what is this cheap ending.

  39. It all started out great infact one of the BEST storylines in the Zhong Ji series from ep 1-16. Those episodes made me hanging off the edge of my seat. No doubt. Then all went downhill after that…..

  40. 我覺得(希望是真的~~)下一季就是真正的KO II,原班人馬,而且汪大東,雷婷,中萬鈞的故事應該會在下一季出現所以現在才交代得這麼的含糊.

  41. 【以下為轉貼】(我只擷取了一小段)


  42. Da Dong was not included in the final episode at first. Later, they decided to alter the last episode to include him due to many fans complained. Terrible ending. Hoping fora part 3 soon.

  43. 等這么久终于等到结局,没想到是這么一个瞎结局……完全毀了终极系列T^T 原本以为大東还会再出现,所以一直等,没想到出现只有短短几秒!怎么觉得好像被騙了!大東是主角卻只有演十六集!?這也騙很大嘛!整个故事结構一点都不make sense!那我宁愿大東消失的时候就是ending, 然后出终极一班3好了…真不曉得为什么雷婷要愛上大東,我觉得下面童鞋掰的故事情节还比較有看头!可惜了裏面的新生代好演員…

  44. For those of you questioning why LT and ZWJ don’t know each other in the future, have you thought about maybe because they changed the past they stopped being friends at the age of 8 and then lost touch and didn’t see each other for 10 years. You guys do realize that they look completely different at ages 8 and 18 right?

  45. hope they have another sequel of all the important casts from ko ONE having reunion,, gonna be so much interesting!!

    on another note, what happen to LING? why is duan chang ren still alive? i thought it was dead…

  46. probably the ending could have been better if they actually showed the reunion after the phone call. I would love to see the cast from the first and second series together.

  47. 最无聊的是汪大东穿越了十年,其实对剧情一点影响也没有。如果从17集开始看的话也可以。问题来了,雷婷万均改变了历史跟命运。可是,大东在十年前还是会遇到刘备,还是会有时震,还是会穿越阿!所以大东穿越的,会是正常的十年后吗?如果说,大东穿越是在他们改变之前,那么他的穿越就是这戏/剧情发生的唯一证据,只是,他也已经不记得了。

    • 还有,那令怎么办? 如果大东的穿越是在改变命运之前,那么令还是会穿越到有WTD的金时空,在雷婷万均改变命运的瞬间,除了令,其他人的命运还有记忆,下场都会改变。那么令就会被困在time paradox 里面,永远也出不来。
      (I know i’m thinking too much, but i’m very particular about time travel )

  48. Seriously!! this is such a bad ending!!!! all of this just doesn’t make sense!! I wish I could’ve seen wong da dong and his friends united. including 五熊 and 王亞瑟!!!! such a bad ending, this just ruins everything!!!

  49. 不是說雷婷是雷克斯的妹妹呢??然後呢??這也就算了。。為什麼大東補拍的居然是這樣的幾秒鐘。。。我還為了大東的迴歸從16集忍到現在。。。沒有異能的終極不是終極。。。拜託找回以前的導演和編劇好嗎!!!

  50. 他妈的!结局烂透了。还以为汪大东会回来和雷婷在一起。跟中万均在一起就算了。还连这个史上最强的的高中生汪大东和十年后的king 都不认识。烂掉!

  51. Dude… Zhong Wan Jun is too young for Lei Ting daw. It’s gonna be so weird watching them getting together & holding hands if they are appearing on the season three as a dating couple ._. This is obviously not the end yet lol. I’m pinning all the high hopes on the upcoming season 3 rawr!!!

  52. 他妈的!结局烂透了。还以为汪大东会回来和雷婷在一起。跟中万均在一起就算了。还连这个史上最强的的高中生汪大东和

    • i agree. I think the next season should be interesting, I’d like to know how the future changed and how the students of zhong ji yi ban will cross paths in this new future. I think in the new season they’ll also include new characters like huang zhong and the other guy from spexial. the only weird thing would be that there’s technically only 1 power user, lei ting….unless they twist the story somehow and make wan jun, hua ling long and the others have yi neng as well.

      • I am not sure about season 3… given that will da dong really come back with his contract ending soon??? the production company could be fooling all of us… also… hw long since the last KO season have we waited for this crap to come to us? Come on, we have better believe that this is just rubbish news…

        • who gives a crap about da dong, they’ve already milked his character for all its worth. I’m talking about a new series following the new zhong ji class and their alternate future. da dong can guest in it if he wants like how he played sun ce in KO3guo but the story wouldn’t be revolving around him. also when i say a ‘season 3’ i mean like how KO3guo was split into 3 ‘seasons’ but aired continuously after one another.
          KO series usually have pretty crappy endings but they at least wrap up the story properly. this ending was beyond crappy, even for KO standards. too many loose ends were left hanging which makes me believe that there is more to come.

          • Please, Zhong Ji Yi ban is about da dong and his story… Lol… its not Zhong Ji Yi Jia or Zhong Ji San Guo where jiro’s other character is the main of yi jia and guan yu is the main of san guo… the new season, be it alternate timeline or not, da dong will have to be the focus, if not zhong ji yi ban will be like from episode 16 onwards… CMI

      • Yea I agree with you..But they also can add in na ge shui to have yi neng too then they can add in da dong, xiao yu and ya se too they have also say at the very beginning that they didn’t even complete their study 10 years ago so they can just join in and graduate with them..If not i rather they shoot The x-family 2 where Xiu and ah xiang go back to tie shi kong after they have kill the boss from KO san guo…Then They can like add in new legendary enemies from MOJIE or whatever thing de lah at least it will make the KO series more interesting. Or they can just create new KO series in the new dimension.

  53. actors are good. storyline sucks after ep 16. no climax point. no finale. no good closure.
    what’s the point of having part 3? Just gonna waste our time again?
    If they can’t have dadong for the whole series, they shld just not have him in there…like the previous series, just a random appearance for the 1st ep and then the new cast takes the lead. Rather than develop such a strong plot ard his role and then he is gone for good… -.-
    seriously…… the scriptwriter needs to be changed. Is this the same scriptwriter?? I’m really curious.

    • Not sure about the scriptwriter, but apparently the director changed after episode 16… Rumors say that the previous director left because of some disagreement. Also, the initial script was leaked and, in that one, Da Dong was supposed to come back after just a couple of episodes. He and Lei Ting would not remember each other initially, but after some incidents, their memory would come back. And after they solve the mystery of everyone’s disappearance, they would come back together to the past (since Lei Ting was also from 10 years ago). But that part of the script was changed (everything else happened pretty much the same, though). I don’t know… I guess Jiro was too busy with his many projects and couldn’t come back to finish filming? Or Comic decided that they would rather promote their new talents instead and were only using Jiro’s/Da Dong’s popularity…

    • No i dont think so…KO ONE producer>>>Chen Zhi Han (陳芷涵) / Wang Xin Gui (王信貴) / Liu Xing (劉行)

      X-family producer>>>> Chen Zhi Han 陳芷涵 / Jerry Feng 馮家瑞 / Wang Xin Gui 王信貴 / Wang Chuan Ren 王傳仁

      KO San Guo>>>>>Cheng Donghan (陳東漢) Chen Huiying (陳慧瑛) Huang Wanbo (黃萬伯)

      KO ONE Return>>>Producer: Liu Xing (劉行)

  54. so when they back to the past they died reason why i had trouble understanding wat their saying can someone tell me the whole thing of this part

    • Lei Ting and Wan Jun changed history.. all the classmates 10 yrs ago from the class are safe. So it means there is no disappearance of the special power people.
      and duan chang ren didn’t die coz he didn’t have to protect the door and give up his life, he called da dong to arrange for a party gathering meaning that the class members were all not dead. There is an additional scene included just to film that few minutes of dadong “REAPPEARANCE” in this series which is kinda pissing lots of fans off.

  55. LOL they weren’t planning on showing Dadong again after his departure…but since the audience were so looking forward to his reappearance, they invited him to shoot the last few minutes of this episode. Like 8 months after they finished shooting the series.

    The ending is kinda disappointing though…

    It kinda doesn’t make sense. King and Wan jun stood there looking at each other as if they didn’t know each other…though they are supposed to.
    Well… at least we can all be happy that they changed history and everyone that were dead or will die, are alive now.
    PS : Im happy with the King/Wanjun romance, but i was expecting King to end up with Dadong.

  56. 真的希望結局會有更多大東的戯碼,前十幾集都圍繞著他,後面卻沒他的份一點奇怪。萬鈞雷婷在一起倒還好。可是我還以爲會回去大東重新認識終極一班的那部分,畢竟改變十年前的歷史不會影響到大東之前遇到的時震呀?

  57. WTH!!! IT JUZ ENDED LIK TAT?!?!? Although there have been news about adding more story but i juz canot stand tis part’s ending… The whole ending doesnt make any sense…-.-

    Anyway, it should be 蔡芸寒or something lik tat but definitely not 寒!!!

    Whats with the producer and scriptwriter… nvr do homework or what?!?! Since it is a series, there shld be something common between them but this ?!?!?

    Furthermore, I believe that if this is not a continued drama of the zhongji series it wld be a good drama and i have to admit that these new actors are good in acting despite being newcomers… Good luck to them=)

  58. 完全有種被耍了的感覺…雷婷跟萬鈞本來就認識啊,就算雷婷的外公沒有裝死沒有毀滅異能行者,他們兩個從小就是朋友然後一起長大也不會改變啊!如果雷婷的外公沒死,那“雷霆萬鈞”還不應該解散吧!那他倆早就應該在交往了。如果導演要搞這些重新開始的橋段,也拜託搞清楚一下哪些事情會改變哪些不會吧?!沒有WTD、沒有異能行者的消失,也不能直接就說終極一班里的人不會相遇啊…真是什麽都解釋不了的結局…

  59. Seriously? What is the point of making 30 episodes, I might as well watch ep 1 and jump to ep 30.. What is the point of da dong in the show? what is the point of make king and da dong fall in love.. What is the point for Qiu Qiu to admire wan jun?
    Seriously? ENDED? I feel cheated!

    • there’s Han in Jin Shi Kong, that’s Wu Xiong’s sister, Cai Yun Han, and i think you were thinking of only another Han in Tie Shi Kong who is Han Ke La Ma Han.

  60. What type of ending is this, seriously below what I was thinking.
    (Don’t even talk about my expectation)

    Most of us is not really happy that this drama is ending at 30 , yet this is what you call a ending? 終極一班,終極一家,終極三国 all have more then 30 episode and now this only have 30?

    lastly , Isn’t WanJun and LeiTing knew each other since young, how can they walk pass each other, stare and each other but dont know who the person is.

    • 终极一班 had only 21 episodes. Though it was 60 min per episode, so this one and the original one is about the same length ( a bit longer too)
      终极三国 didn’t originally have so many, but because of the ratings they extended it. That show was broken down to 3 parts/seasons.
      I heard there is a sequel to this one. I saw news on facebook and the ending was implied that there will be a 终极一班3.

      • I hope there is a part 3, that would be the only way to justify the ridiculous ending. I wished it would air continuously like KO 3 guo did though, but that doesn’t seem to be the case, which is stupid coz they had plenty of time to script and film more episodes since the airing of Ko one return seeing as the filming for that season wrapped up months ago!

        • They can’t do that mainly because of the actor schedules. Let’s face it, Da Dong is famous now, he has a lot of shows booked. That is the main reason why this show only have him for half the series. If he was available through out I’m sure they would have changed the entire plot.
          KO san guo, the actors are all new and not that famous so they were available immediately.

          • i don’t care about da dong. I’m talking about the new cast, the new season should focus on the alternate future of the new zhong ji class anyway not da dong. they’ve already said all they can about da dong’s character, it was great having him there at the beginning to set up the new storyline and ease the audience into a whole new unknown cast but to me da dong’s story has reached an ending, i’m more interested to see the story and character development of the new cast.

          • True, i don’t get why people say they only watch it for da dong. there isn’t only one person in the series guys, it’s a drama with many characters.

  61. lmfao.dimension door can only go to the other 2 dimension but how can they travel thru time without disruption like wang da dong,lol….

    • they mentioned it is a “backdoor” version of dimension door, is a black-magic door, not the genuine one that got destroyed previously.

  62. Writer lack of ideas? What kind of ending is this? Still hoping Da Dong come out but only 5 mins for no meaning? Seriously, for me I only think episode 1 to 16 is the best. After Da Dong no more, this drama getting boring and the ending is suck!

  63. Expected more for this ending! It was way too rushed! I’m happy for Lei ting and Wan jun but the thing about getting together when they next meet is a bit silly when they knew eachother since little. doesnt make sense.
    Also, what happened to Da Dong’s love to lei ting?!
    It did not meet up to my expectations!

  64. Duan Chang Ren said Han will be there at the reunion. But isn’t Han from Tie Shi Kong? Also, even if they’ve changed the history, Lei Ting and Wan Jun should still know each other right? Cos they are best friend since childhood! So what’s with the “bump into each other” scene? Wish there could be more!

  65. I think they actually do remember the deal they had 10 years ago! Explains why they stooped so long in the middle of the pathway. Chill guys!!!!!

  66. Still K.O.1, Zhongji yi ban is the best! Because they have Wang Da Dong, Wang Ya Se & Ding Xiao Yu!! First version of the class is still the best!!

  67. WTHHHH i cant believe they just ruin the whole ko series-.-

    king and wan jun actually just change 1 day..
    but they knew each other before that-.- so they should still know each other even they changed the history..
    and poor da dong..only appear in last 5 min-.- which is so meaningless like reminding auidence that da dong is still the actor in this drama~~
    holy shit..the writer ruins everything-.-

  68. this is stupid. How can Wanjun not know who Leiting is in the future when they already knew each other from young -.- Even before the grandpa changed his decision, Wanjun was alr standing by Leiting.

  69. 導演呀…你好…我很欣賞你前面29集還有最後一集的上半part
    當然…我也很欣賞你這莫名奇妙的結局 這令我覺得…我之前的時間都白白的浪費!謝謝你!

  70. Don’t make sense.even though they died going back to the past,the young them have already known each other.why will they even need to bump into each other in future when they are already friends,and….. How would they even know about the deal-.-

    • exactly!
      they knew each other 10yrs ago… i mean come on… even if the history was changed they still know each other to begin with…

    • you could say the deal was a hunch they have, but i really cannot get over the fact that they are already friends before the timeline altered, how could they not know each other ==

    • probably they lost contact somewhere ba. Zhong Ji series cannot analyse too much, the result will either be you think they are too stupid or you are become dumber and confused haha. But ya, i think they made Wan Jun and Lei Ting too unfamiliar with each other in the ending.

  71. 頂。。。都唔MAKE SENSE
    根本不會有 “再遇到”,他們一直都是在認識的狀態啊。

  72. 不是有人说大东会跟雷婷在一起吗????为什么会变成雷婷跟万均的???

  73. 怎麼會是這樣?(雖然也不算太差的結局啦,但不是我想要的)

  74. I agree a horrible end. I didn’t like it. I want King to end up with Da Dong….There are many questions left unanswered like King & Da Dong love? What about the love spell that King was under? So in the end King really in love with Wan Jun and not Da Dong? If they did not have Da Dong and make that first episode 1 to 16 about King falling in love with Da Dong I would be okay with King and Wan Jun.

  75. wtf ronly 30 eps???i thought it’s longer than that-.-
    so the “main actor” da dong only got to appear 16 eps on the whole drama..?-,-

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