KO One II Episode 20

Description: Episodes:
Story takes place after the real Liu Bei returned to the Silver Dimension. When Wang Da Dong was delivering Liu Bei through the inter-dimensional portal, he encountered a timequake and was thrown to ten years in the future. In the future, all the people on the KO ranking have mysteriously disappeared and the class of KO One is now controlled by a girl named King.

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76 thoughts on “KO One II Episode 20

  1. When I rewatched this episode, I felt so emotionally drained for KING. That’s a lot of crying in one episode. Great acting.

    I beg to differ the views regarding Zhong Wan Jun being overly protective and being cold. He does have his warm and funny side. Flashbacked to him taking photo with Wang Da Dong. He rarely smiles and when he does, it can melt hearts. I’m a guy and I can turn gay for him! HAHAHA! Now I know why Da Dong labelled him Nan Zhe Han. He’s willing to take the blame of Leiting’s grandfather’s death. Zhong Wan Jun is quite a character.

  2. I wish Da Dong comes before Lei Ting falls in love with Zhong Wan Jun. Da Dong always makes her happy but Zhong Wan Jun too protective and also cold ==

  3. 我觉得现在的断肠人不是断肠人而是黑龙。很有可能在汪大东遇见令,离开,那一段时间黑龙把断肠人给绑架了!

  4. 這集好看!!! 沛慈演的太好了!!! 沛慈加油加油!!! 好期待明天呀!!

  5. i don’t get why you guys are bashing on this show. it’s actually a really good show! stop comparing it to KO1. although the titles are similar, the plot and style is a bit different. enjoy it for what it is!

  6. I got to said I love Hua Ling Long and Qiu Qiu scene. They kind of cutie. I don’t mine if they end up together. And when 那個誰 found LL and QQ is so funny. I really never though of them as a couple but today episode make me wish for them to end up together. hehe

  7. I don’t get something I know this may sound dumb but why is she having all these hallucination and headaches? Why didn’t she remember who killed her grandpa?

    Now I am convinced that Duan Chen Ren is Hei Long.

    • i go the other way….

      He’s not HeiLong i bet… if he was; he wouldnt need to test whether 萬均 is 魔化異能行者…since you know… he is the mastermind of all 魔化異能行者…

      • 我觉得很有可能是黑龙因为黑龙最后失去了战力指数再加上他的分身叶赫哪拉•思提又被"送"进灭里。这是他恢复金时空魔尊之称的大好机会

  8. 曾沛慈蠻漂亮啊。


  9. 媽的,如果不是因為沛慈還在,大東走了我早就不看了(相信很多人也是

    • 请你别忘了,终极系列本来就是捧新人的剧。最开始的终极一班,演得主角(包括汪大东)都是新人。还有,终极三国呢?五虎将那时还算是新人呢。

        • 他们真的有很差吗?是因为一开始大东戏份太重的关系所以现在大家才会不习惯。还有,你怎么不知道他们其中一个人也会变红?我想说得是,请给新人机会。

    • I don’t agree with your comment KING but I agree with what PEMBERLY had replied you. Even if you had to criticize this show, do it constructively and don’t drag others with you. Bad words will only make you well, look BAD. Can’t you be forgiving enough to give the rest of the cast besides Jiro & Pets Ceng, a chance? They aren’t that bad.

    • 那里是新人?金时空10年后的耿烈,也有演银时空而且演副会长。五熊在银时空演小桥。

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