King Flower (金大花的華麗冒險) Episode 13

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43 thoughts on “King Flower (金大花的華麗冒險) Episode 13

  1. 大花怎麼能這樣說
    一定會讓很多人討厭 最後沒有人要看
    同時也揭穿那不是亮研是大花 = =

  2. I hate GuangJun b’cause he cheated, why would he just likes to DaHua after DaHua be beautiful? whereas when DaHua still ugly he would not / don’t like the DaHua .. I’d agree that Terry paired with DaHua!!! (:

  3. I don’t think GJ deserves DH. He became territorial only after DH has became beautiful and knowing Terry is interested in her. He didn’t even remember the gift that the old DH has given him at the airport and only remembered after the new DH reminded him. If he loves her then, he would have treasured the gift back then. For GJ, the old DH showed him her inner beauty but he didn’t appreciate it then. As for Terry, he is seeing the inner beauty of DH and is falling for it. Terry deserves DH more than GJ.

  4. I honestly don’t understand why some ppl think that Terry is the evil one. First of all, he only OFFERED Da Hua about the face-changing thingy, but the one to accept it and willing to do it is Da Hua. Furthermore, there were many opportunities that Terry have given Da Hua to just go home and forget about the agreement – but then again, it was Da Hua’s own wish to stay with Terry. She stubbornly keeps coming back! As for Guang Jun, what did he do? He can’t even do anything for Da Hua, was lazy in the beginning (only started to change in this episode)… and was even willing to work for the guy who hurt Da Hua’s family! The truck tht Guang Jun has bought also used the money that he blackmailed Terry with! All he ever do is brooding & complaining. And how is all of this supposed to make Guang Jun a decent guy?! There’s a huge gap between GJ & Terry. Honestly, Im beginning to really dislike Da Hua. Both leading characters are becoming annoying (GJ & DH). I stuck watching this drama because of the growth & interactions between DH & Terry. And if that’s gone, so will I~ At this moment, even if DH ended up with GJ, i don’t really care anymore as long as the scriptwriter doesn’t sacrifice Terry’s character just for the sake of forcing viewers to choose GJ >:0

  5. Anyone know the song’s name started at Part 2’s 2:12? I think this is the first time they have someone singing instead of just instrumental performances in the past.

  6. I think that Terry might not actually want to win Da Hua over. Even if he does like her, he knows that she loves GJ. I think that he’s testing GJ because he thinks that DH deserves the best. He wants to make sure GJ does not take her for granted. I have faith in Terry (and maybe I still believe in his love for Liang Yan)!

  7. Da Hwa is really getting on my nerves. Terry didn’t ask for her to stay but she wanted to help. Then she brew her cover. Now she is going on a date with GJ after work. She might as well just go home. People will find out soon anyway. What kind promise is this? Please stop messing with Terry. She should have just let him come clean and get it over with. He was stupid and tricked by his friend. As for the writer, I don’t understand why not just focus on showing how Da Hwa and Terry overcome all the hardships together and fall in love with each other. Instead the writer is attempting too hard turning GJ more likable than Terry at this point. To be honest, if GJ is the male lead they should have developed his character more in the beginning of the drama. So we can understand why Da Hwa loves him. All we know about GJ now is that he was irresponsible, vulgar…etc. Therefore, please don’t try to give signs of Terry turning dark. It’s too late and not cool. I really hope and think it would be more interesting to see Da Hwa and Terry’s love story. We know that the actor who played GJ is maybe more famous or supposedly the male lead. But please for this drama’s sake let Terry be!!!

  8. I feel so sad for Terry in this episode. Imagine a girl that he secretly likes keep talking about her boyfriend in front of him. I feel GJ has a bigger advantage where DH is concerned. DH has no feelings for Terry and I can see Terry is rather desparate. I hope Terry and DH can spent more time together and DH to fall in love with him.

  9. terry 讓人心痛,這齣戲的男主角一點讓人愛的理由都沒有,沒有腦子,衝動,不理性,幼稚.唯一有的就是大花跟他從小到大的相處

  10. I honestly don’t think there’s anything wrong with a man fighting for the woman he loves. I find it admirable, actually. It’s not like she’s even in a relationship with GJ. He was the one that pushed her away when she was still around. It’s his loss that she’s gone. Terry deserves her because they GREW a bond together through extensive time and effort. What the hell did GJ and Da hua ever had? Nothing. GJ didn’t know how to cherish her the way she deserves so now she met someone better.

    • I totally agree… there was no effort on GJ’s part to get her because she has liked him all her life. He didn’t even realize until recently that he likes her back. Terry is a much more compelling character. You can tell that he still thinks for Da Hua’s sake e.g. telling her she doesn’t have to do the photoshoot. Although what he did was wrong (the kiss), I think it just shows that he’s developing feelings for her more and more. I hope she realizes what a good guy he is! He’s not perfect, but he’s certainly someone who could cherish her… the only thing they have to overcome is the fact that she looks like his ex!

  11. Da Hwa’s father is going to blew the whole thing off I know it! Plus the leader of the gangsters. Oh and Terry’s secretary. I’m sure together they’ll stir everything up!

  12. damn Da Hua.. keep your promise and do whatever you can to help the dude out… -___- first brew the cover and now asking to not doing certain thing -__- damn woman!!! we know you want him 😀

    • Terry even gave you the permission to leave him couple times. but you choose to stay even you knew liang yan is already dead!
      GOSH WOMAN!!!

      • I start to dislike Da Hua too… i feel so sad for Terry now because he deserves a girl who would truly love him, not a girl who loves another guy. i really don’t wanna see he being so miserable anymore…

        • JQ already mentioned how Terry have given many opportunities for Da Hua to leave him.. and in one episode, he even forcefully sent Da Hua back home. But Da Hua keeps coming back! So I don’t think it’s because of the agreement (Terry did mentioned that he can terminate the contract but Da Hua keeps insisting to be by his side),but I think it’s because she herself wants to stay beside him. Because otherwise, everything becomes nonsense.

  13. fricken hope Guan Jun can be with Da Hua at the end. Da Hua liked Guan Jun since the start of this drama, and Terry only wants Da Hua because she resembles his ex wife… forcing her to kiss him has gone way too far.

    • Actually, in the preview he already said that more and more, he doesn’t want her to be like his ex anymore. So yeah.

  14. at least Guang Jun is making an effort to win Da Hua back. They’re both truly in-love with each other. Sorry Terry….

    • Where did he do anything evil? I didn’t see or hear anything evil toward her. The only reason he confronted GJ was because he’s concerned about DaHua and also because he likes. Nothing unnatural or evil there. He has the right to fight for her.

  15. Terry just got points docked off…you shouldn’t make a girl kiss you…so you can frickin piss off her “lover”!!
    But otherwise, still Team Terry. Dahua and Guanjun lack the sparkling chemistry that Dahua has with Terry.

  16. Uhh I loved it when Terry grabbed her waist so she could kiss him. Damn I wish they would end up 2gether. I love how good he is 2ward her. Even saying she must have misunderstood GuangJun. Terry is the one who deserves her.!
    I hope that monkey girl and Guang Jun end up 2gether. Hihi

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