King Flower (金大花的華麗冒險) Episode 03

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[sniplet King Flower]

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24 thoughts on “King Flower (金大花的華麗冒險) Episode 03

  1. the dad is the biggest douchebag omg does he not feel guilty at all for gambling away for much money and he has the audacity to blame it on the “feng shei” of the house or it was because da hua’s mum gave him ‘bad luck’ for always sulking/crying

  2. if he wants to keep the trip secret, why doesnt he just drive there himself with his own sports car??? why ask the driver to =.=

  3. I think liang yan is dead ..maybe the doctor friend is trying to give the guy some time to get used to his life without his fiancée .

  4. the doc is hot but there’s some srs sketch goin on here which is awesommme. i like how they make it a literal makeover and give some entirely unplausible but more interesting reason for the makeover. for love the evil music that always comes up and the shady lighting they give him and that terry dude if the terry dude is having some dark wrenching moments. evil tones ftw!

  5. What the hell is this? Who is this doctor, not only is he a terrible actor, the character he’s playing is a mountain rescue officer, an emergency surgical doctor, a plastic surgeon and a complete sleeze ball by the looks of things. I still like this drama but this is lazy whoever came up with this character.

    • 醫術非常高超,卻是個不願意加入健保的地下醫生,人稱「怪醫秦博士」。個性怪異孤僻,瘋瘋癲癲,沒什麼朋友。喜愛進行高難度手術,也熱愛有生命危險的極限運動。


      • what Dinging is trying is say is that it is virtually impossible for a person to take on some many “roles”. For one thing, if you specialized in plastic surgery, then you are not involved in trauma surgery unless your expertise is consulted.

  6. this is super unrealistic. so the doctor friend seemed like the main surgeon when the girl was in surgery and now he is going to be the plastic surgeon too? Does that even make sense? I think i’m just super biased against the doc friend. I can understand that he doesn’t want chris to be sad (if the fiance is dead), but to LIE and give him FALSE hope is NOT something a friend should do. I can just see where this is going…Chris is going to fall in love with DaHua but then feel super guilty about betraying his “alive” fiance, which will make it hard for the Chris-DaHua ship to float. AHhhhhhhhhh i hate the doc friend already >__<

    • come on! this drama was never realistic to begin with. The possibility of two unrelated people looking so similar to each other is already very slim. the realism of the drama isn’t even important. what is important is whether the story line good. how about we all just accept the idea that the main male character’s friend is a sleazeball jackass with possibly many majors and profession. if you think about it in another way, his friend is a genius! (but in a bad way…)

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