Fall in Love With Me (愛上兩個我) Episode 16

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79 thoughts on “Fall in Love With Me (愛上兩個我) Episode 16

  1. OMGs I SO loved the BTS – horribly cute together!!! Ah….I think as much as it would be very cute if they were together, sometimes chemistry as friends is just as wonderful and potent. 加油! Huanhuan on the other hand is seriously cray cray. Someone needs to put her on Jeremy Kyle…..

  2. Tonight ep 17 up?
    Heard that 路天行 found out that huan huan can stand up on the wedding day

    gosh I’m soo excited

  3. I really like the love scene in this episode. Kiss scenes are always fierce and mostly end up in bed, but their kisses were so tender and romantic. Both Tia and Aaron did a good job as they really “kiss to the soul” (as the script mentioned in bts).

    Besides I love to see their interaction in bts, everyone has a sense of humor and gets on well with each other. I really hate Huan Huan in this drama but Beatrice is lovely in bts and I start to like her now…^^”

  4. Haaaa seems like everyone enjoyed the bts n ep 16. Did it reach 2.0 rating?! At 1.58 in the bts, Aaron sweetly placed his hand around Tia’s side (bum)…even tho I think that is not the position in the act. I support Tia n Aaron. Puff is cute n adorable too. Puff n aaron have tremendous chemistry as both r playful, friendly, easy going. Tia is shy, calm, and soft. Based on own n friends’ experiences, couples who eventually end up getting married normally have completely opposite characters. That is why in my humble opinion, Aaron n Tia will be more suited for each other as a couple. Their characters balance each other.

    Beatrice fang is really cute. Love her friendship with Tia.

  5. OMG THE KISS THO!!!!!! gosh they are super cute they were so into it. they need to kiss more or else …..lol. puff and aaron naaaa. Aaron and Tia, yall better date in real life. Their chemistry is unbelivable especially bts.

  6. It was a really good episode, and I can’t wait for the next one!!!!! The BTS were so adorable. But with all the comments that people have posted, I disagree. I am a fan of Puff and although maybe her character in Just You was “annoying” (I didn’t think so) she’s a good actress. I think that Aaron and Puff are really cute. Tia is super beautiful and lovely but Puff is very sincere, adorable, beautiful, she doesn’t lack anything from Tia. They’re both great friends and both have worked with Aaron and both pair up with Aaron very well. But the judgement on saying Puff isn’t good at acting and etc isn’t necessary. Her role in We Got Married was beyond what you would imagine. She’s a very sweet and sincere girl, not annoying at all. Don’t judge on celebrities that easily. But this show is very good, it hasn’t let me down at all and I look forward to it every single week.

  7. My name is Lu Tian Xing in real life …. but I feel sad for huan huan she was a very kind gentle person but got corrupted by her family and telling ltx a lie …

  8. The bts kiss make me really think aaron like tia in real life!
    Playful aaron and i think tia like it too..omo

  9. I like that Tao Le Si’s character is growing. I think I am getting used to Tia’s face as well, NOW she looks pretty to me lol Honestly, prefer this kind of characters where they mature as time goes by as opposed to already “polished” one like Puff Guo last time. On the other hand, I miss badass, sharp, ungovernable Lu Tian Xing. The only logical reason behind his helpless motives is prob the fact that HuanHuan’s physical condition that (he belives) was caused by him. Hope he find out the truth sooner, we still have 7 weeks of Li family’s craziness. Aaron Yan is doing a fantastic job this time around, I am so proud. Tia is improving drastically as well. Thats some kiss scene u guys did out there. I am relieved that the voice of an actress who portrays HuanHuan sounds so much better bts, I just cant stand her HH’s voice.

    • I know! I agree Tia’s acting is improving. I really do prefer Tia over Puff; I like how she’s really calm most of the times and I love her shyness. (Especially during this episode’s bts, she was totally blushing when Aaron kissed her multiple times! ><) I guess that's what attracted me to her. xD. I don't know, but Puff on the other hand, just didn't attract me as much. Her character was just kind of annoying… sorry to those who love Puff! I mean, she's a great actor, I admire her, but I just prefer Tia..with Aaron hehe.

      Yes! I agree that Huan Huan's voice is annoying. I hate Huan Huan but love Beatrice Fang haha. She has a really cute and bubbly personality from what I see in the bts. I think part of me is starting to ship Tia and Beatrice ahah! They were so adorable! (:

      • I didnt like Puff Guo’s acting, that was the only work of hers that I have seen, so cant comment further. She had a cute chemistry with Aaron, but I prefer Tia and Aaron’s even more. But generally I dislike all sorts of entertainers who overact which I find extremely embarrassing. I dont find Puff even attractive or cute appearance wise well (sorry fans), but there must be something abt her since whole Taiwan is crazy about her (was chosen as sexiest (sexy? really? but .. okay

        • I’ve only watched about 4 episodes of Just You and I was like “Yep. Okay. I’m done. I can’t take it anymore.” Her character was just really annoying and soo I stopped watching it. I agree she and Aaron had great chemistry but I really just don’t like her, either. Lol

          • I mean I just dont really care about Puff, but I do kinda like Tia. Just You was a boring drama tho, couple’s chemistry saved it hence why it has many crazy shippers. I marathoned after it aired everything in one night lol.

          • Yep, I agree Just You was really boring. When I watch FILWM, it was never boring. I enjoyed every second. But when I was watching Just You, I was kinda just skipping through. None of the scenes caught my eye. So I just quit.

          • I didn’t watch Just You at all so I can’t speak to the chemistry of Puff and Aaron but I watched We Got Married with Puff and she is adorable and I think we see a more accurate representation of who she is and she truly is one of the nicest people. If you’re bored, you should give WGM a try, it’s pretty fun to watch =)

            I also prefer Aaron with Tia in terms of chemistry (but then I’ve only watched these two in this drama lol). I hear he’s gracious and friendly in a playful manner to all his colleagues but for some reason, with Tia, it feels slightly different. If you watch the BTS, before the kissing BTS cuts out, he grabs her hand – it’s so very sweet. And I think I heard them say “ok stop” and he kissed her again and she puckered up her lips. SO CUTE. I’m not chinese so maybe they said something that sounds like “ok stop” in chinese but still THE FEELS, people.

          • Not chinese either but I do speak mandarin, he did kiss her once again when PD said it was enough. Its just an angle testing, they didnt need to reallyyyyy kiss either tbh lol. The way he comfortably touches her legs is also… THE FEELS indeed lol

          • lol i am all about the FEELS – thank you for translating – that was so nice of you – and I should have said Mandarin – my apologies – not very culturally sensitive (or smart) of me!

          • Its okay, no need for apology, at least to me. I didnt know there was a difference until I learned it, so its totally fine, I dont think Chinese people would find it offensive either.

          • I also loved the part where Aaron’s legs fell asleep and Tia playfully pulled him away and said “Tian Xing, let’s go play!” And she was bouncing around. 😀 Lol at that point I was just like d’awww!

          • I know I noticed Aaron reaching out for her hand too. I really hope they date for real.. haha they’re just too adorable. *fangirling* Btw I will try out WGM, just hope her character doesn’t stop me from watching again

          • I can guarantee you that her character (which is herself) in We Got Married will not stop you but in fact make you like her. I understand that a lot of people love Tia and I do too but this negative vibe about Puff is so unnecessary. She’s got a lot of potential and attitude to her you just have to not judge her from her character but as herself.

          • Also, in a BTS I saw-Tia reached over and touched the OZ short guy (don’t know his name) to show where one of the ab lines should be drawn, and Aaron said “You don’t need to touch him-just point.” that’s jealousy, or possessiveness. Men don’t say that to ‘just friends.’

        • Honestly I think Puff attracts me more than Tia. Puff has gone through a lot in her life and just because maybe her acting in Just You didn’t reach your standards does not mean she’s not good. I think she’s a wonderful actress. She’s one of the cutest, prettiest, sweetest and very sincere girl. If you’ve seen her in We Got Married, you would see her true self. She’s a lot more than anyone would imagine. I guess I just personally ship Aaron and Puff but that doesn’t mean I don’t like Tia. I love Tia, she’s so lovely and adorable but Puff is real too. You can’t judge a person especially celebrities by their characters in the show because in reality, they’re a lot different. But honestly putting this type of not exactly hate vibe but a negative vibe about her is so unnecessary. I think she’s wonderful, and all of you shouldn’t just judge her from her acting in Just You.

          • Well, to be fair, I did say I cant comment further about Puff Guo than what I have seen in Just You which I didnt enjoy as much (her acting not her). I am sure she is a nice girl and all, but I didnt find her that attractive (acting and appearance). I did give her the beneift of doubt as well, since whole Taiwan adore her, she must have a lot of good qualities that ppl like. So yeah, I prefer Tia over her, it doesnt mean I hate Puff or something, I couldnt care less.

          • I understand, I’m not saying everyone has to say she’s an amazing actress or whatsoever but it’s okay. I guess it was just the way you phrased your words, it seemed like you judged her a lot from her performance in Just You. I love Tia but saying Puff isn’t real or whatsoever is not accurate because she’s been through a lot in her life. I’m sorry if what I said earlier was a bit harsh, it’s just that I thought the comments were unnessecary. But other than all this drama, this episode Tia did perform really well, this is a great show.

          • Hi Teresa, thank you for your comment! – I don’t think that the comments (at least in this thread of comments) were meant to put ill will out at Puff. I mentioned above that I watched WGM and I loveeeeee her in it and I think she’s a very nice person who’s so giving and loving. All the comments in this thread (with Joyce and commedesfuckdown) are their own opinions on her acting or her character in Just you, not her personally. Just like the way we all hate Huan Huan right now, but we don’t hate Beatrice. At least that’s the way I’m interpreting. YAY and love for ALL the pretty Dream Girls!

          • Haha yes I agree! I only wanted to put that out because I thought it was unnessecary but I love all the girls in Dream Girls!

  10. The way Tao Le Si, not just Tian Xing, is with Huan Huan bothers me too. I would not continue fighting with her on and on and time after time like she is. I would get up and walk out and not come back.

  11. I am not too sure if I understand the storyline…can someone advice?
    So, why at this moment, ltx still willing to marry huan huan? Is it to repay lee’s family for bringing him up after his parents died? I m sure tao’s family is willing to lose oz in return for tls to be together with ltx. As parents, I doubt Tao mum n dad will rather keep oz than having tls be with someone she loves n live happily ever after . A bit disappointed with how ltx reacted when hh slapped tls. He always said he will protect her, but in that situation, he stood there like a log. I understand he was in a difficult situation, but ltx is a strong character, he is clear of what he wants n how to achieve it, but why he now mellowed down to someone who dare not even fight for his love?
    Having said that, have enjoyed the kiss scene n bts very much haha. It looks like Aaron seems to either loves kissing very much or he has fallen for Tia. Tia on the other hand still remains reserved. Just my opinion.
    Hopefully, it’s a happy ending with Leo n hh… + tls and ltx

    • I had the same thoughts-why is this bold swaggering man so cowardly with the Li family? It bothers me. I also, and will continue to observe bts to see if I’m right-think that Aaron is a little more into Tia than she is him. Just curious, now that I’ve seen a bit of jealous behavior from him. I also saw early on, that she turns him on.

      • its funny how you observed that she turns him on, what makes you said that?
        This is the 3rd Taiwanese drama I watched, the first of Aaron’s. I have read many ppl “ship” Aaron n puff, but I have not seen how they are offscreen, perhaps Aaron is just friendly towards all his female costars.

    • Totally agree with you re: LTX’s reaction to HH slapping TLS. I mean yeah, you don’t need to slap her back but geeze, stand up for your woman! haha

      I actually don’t think Tia is reserved (my opinion). She is very shy and I think she’s very level-headed and calm. Also, she’s very aware of the cameras rolling. I would imagine it’s embarrassing to have a whole hoard of people watch you and your co-star act intimate so she’s probably trying to be as professional as possible. You can tell by how much she blushes. I definitely would be embarrassed but in a good way =) I think from the beginning of the series until now, she is much more receptive of his flirtatious and playful nature. And she looks happy when she’s with him so it must mean they have a good friendship/whatever off screen.

      But OMG, how cute is Beatrice and Tia? Can I ship their friendship? SO CUTE.

  12. 這不合邏輯啊 歡歡說她們在山上那次她故意跌下去是因為她想要成全他們 但現在陶樂思 和路天行很好 她又在那邊生氣 很奇怪欸

  13. The good thing about all these bad things happening is that it’s giving Tian Xing a picture of what HIS “real” family is really like-and the good thing about Huan Huan seeing those photos is that she got to see them almost in real time, as…..
    Those photos didn’t wake her up, obviously, so the fantasyland of her and Tian Xing that she lives in seems way beyond sanity.

  14. 一般女演員會覺得男演員這樣一直親是吃豆腐吧
    除非他們感情很好, 很有默契
    Ps Holika Holika 有偷牽哦

  15. HH’s feigning handicap might be disclosed soon. Leo might end up with HH in the end.. Lance the power hungry brother will turn on his family. Just my thoughts… lol…

  16. 阿布找到机会就偷亲. 好可爱 ! 他应该也是唯一一个男演员在拍戏的时候敢这么做吧.

  17. YES YES finally they showed more Aaron and Tia BTS! I’ve been waiting for this! I really enjoyed the kiss scene in the drama AND in the BTS. Soo adorable! Tia and Beatrice’s interactions were also cute (: Haha at least things are lighting up in the BTS 😀

  18. Totally enjoyed the kissing BTS!!! hahah aaron yan is sooo playful, taking every chance he has to kiss Tia! Hahaha!

  19. 女人阿, 講到真正的愛, 講到真正的幸福, 怎麼可能不去搶, 不去增取

  20. I don’t know how to describe this drama tbh, it still seems like its going no where and everything is just so slow. I liked HH this episode tbh her character is getting 10x more interesting and that kiss scene though

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