I do² (再說一次我願意) Episode 13

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[sniplet I do²]

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Tipster Rednimer

9 thoughts on “I do² (再說一次我願意) Episode 13

  1. Drama was nice in the beginning. Good acting, touching story about little girl got abandoned, and meet up with her mom… etc. And the couple found they still love each other. Now the focus is on how dumb Zheng Yang is, and nobody seems to realize they simply need to keep an eye on Man-Ni to prevent all these nonsense that keeps happening. So freaking stupid!

    • Agreed!!! I’m so glad you’re not first calling man-ni an evil home wrecker first! Zheng-Yang is honestly the cause of all these issues.
      indecisive, wishy-washy little wuss…

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