I do² (再說一次我願意) Episode 02 Description: Episodes: [sniplet I do²] I do² (再說一次我願意) Preview<<123 To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5? TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". August 31, 2014 Tipster Rednimer
要是我有舒心葵這樣的同事,我一定每天三不五時耍陰的弄她(!),害她出更多錯,好讓她早點消失……;而且她那些所謂的「細心」有些根本只是工作上的基本需求,別弄得好像很可愛很加分似的……好嗎? 真的好怕在職場遇到蠢人而且要一起共事……這些人根本是瞎混騙飯吃!!! 有時候下班回家想看個電視劇輕鬆一下,卻還是見到這種氣死人的職場蠢人,天呀~ (>_<) 還好這次是魏蔓演的,不然不知道要怎麼看下去…… /. (不過如果最後是舒心葵選上了,大概還是會火大吧~ 哈哈) 天呀~ 魏蔓好漂亮哦~ 而且越來越漂亮了~ 話說回來,有人發覺魏蔓的腿變細好多嗎?(還是鏡頭拉長了?! :P) Deja Vu(回到愛以前)的時候明明還蠻粗的說 😛 Reply ↓
they only make mess when they ‘re with each other…the manager is such an idiot…he should stop grouping them together Reply ↓
she’s so clumsy =.=
i’m looking forward to see both of them be together again (:
再說一次我願意 eps 3呢?。
hairstyle spoils her look
am i the only one who thinks the hairstyle looks so cute on her?
有時候下班回家想看個電視劇輕鬆一下,卻還是見到這種氣死人的職場蠢人,天呀~ (>_<) 還好這次是魏蔓演的,不然不知道要怎麼看下去…… /. (不過如果最後是舒心葵選上了,大概還是會火大吧~ 哈哈)
天呀~ 魏蔓好漂亮哦~ 而且越來越漂亮了~
話說回來,有人發覺魏蔓的腿變細好多嗎?(還是鏡頭拉長了?! :P)
Deja Vu(回到愛以前)的時候明明還蠻粗的說 😛
i like watching these types of cheesy dramas once in a while
as long as the plot will not get draggy in the later episodes
they only make mess when they ‘re with each other…the manager is such an idiot…he should stop grouping them together
omgosh her hair I always laugh at it xD