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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". January 19, 2014 Tipster Rednimer
20 thoughts on “Deja Vu (回到愛以前) Episode 12”
I thought 希唯barely left Tornado. Doesn’t make sense that he “hasn’t been home in so many days” lol xD
I thought 希唯barely left Tornado. Doesn’t make sense that he “hasn’t been home in so many days” lol xD
OMG!!! this is so addictive!!! literally done an all nighter marathon watching this!! now im up to date i just wan the next episode now!!! >_<"
Xi Wei & Hai Lin! Xie Wei is in love with her. What might happen on the next episode?
Arghhhh another week D: Why can’t the episodes be longer 🙁
好看的節目總覺得時間過得太快 但節目又好短
對不起 我太入戲了。懺悔了
孰可忍孰不可忍 陸向凱還真的讓我打從心裡討厭他。不想說難聽的話 但希望他可以消失在我的眼線裏。跟又熙挺配嘛!都是非要把他們的快樂建立在別人的痛苦上才覺得快樂?
我的媽 都快四點了我還在看,待會兒怎麼起床啊?真是中了 回到愛以前 的毒蠻深。。但我很樂意 也再度盼望下個禮拜的來臨
LOL you really love this drama! Well I do too…
但畢竟愛情是兩情相願 身為局外人的我 又能說什麼呢?不是嗎?但真心希望藍總監有天會遇到屬於他的女孩
sorry 藍總監是犀利人妻
方總監 !ok?
That restaurant is Jay Chous hahah
i wish I could kick xiwei’s cousin!!!
I hope people will know his true face!
kick his ass or kill him by accident
I wish I could kick xiwei’s cousin!
I hope everyone will know his true face!