Be with You (好想談戀愛) Episode 32

Description: Episodes:
一個坐2奔3的專情輕熟女, 一個渴婚大齡女, 20幾歲的愛情和30幾歲的愛情, 要的本來就不一樣 今年夏天她們「好想談戀愛」!

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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

7 thoughts on “Be with You (好想談戀愛) Episode 32

  1. 英傑他爸教他說做生意最重要的功課是口說無憑,所以就立了一個愛情合約,真好笑! 還有,我還是覺得英傑有可能是他爸親生的私生子.雖然驗過dna, but…dna可能是他媽的.

  2. Nice to see YJ and MA together with no parental objection for once! YJ looks relaxed and focussed on his work …

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