Description: | Episodes: |
自巴黎返台的女孩在小巷內開了一家沒有名字的法式甜點店,也沒有招牌或菜單,隨性的她一天只做三樣甜點,樣式完全依她當天的心情而定,生意慘澹自然可以想像。沒有人知道她的過去,也沒有人明瞭外表冷漠的她的心中到底藏了什麼秘密。 |
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June 30, 2013
That was some of the worst “ballet” I’ve seen.
I would almost kill for English subs for this. Was able to watch eps 1-5 that were dubbed. Could only find ep 6 here.
Why it keep it pause, I did try to reload the video but I doesn’t work ?
這個播放器 好多廣告喔 好煩啊
Tian Tian and Yu Wen were really sweet as a couple when they were in Paris!! Why must we be watching flashbacks to see the sweet moments?! The couple looks good together…somehow Allen looks a little young for Tian Tian even though he has been good to Tian Tian. I am enjoying this drama.
Miss Kuen Ling is not good at acting…
Miserable to watch her “act”.
Rong Rong’s belly is kinda obvious…
Thanks for sharing. The best among all now!