Murphy’s Law of Love (莫非, 這就是愛情) Episode 01

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面對一段情傷,通常你會? 抓狂崩潰?好聚好散?祝福對方?還是…放棄再愛?

關曉彤的「愛情醫生」工作,是從一段抓狂崩潰的失戀後開始的。 現在的她,是網路交友公司中專門為會員診療愛情問題的Dr. Love 她常說「沒有醫不好的愛情絕症,只有放棄治療的愛情必剩客」, 只要正視自己的愛情問題,設定好適合的擇偶條件,勇於出擊, 愛情嘛,沒有那麼難。 只是她偶爾會想,自己幫助過那麼多人找到真愛, 符合自己所有擇偶條件的那個人,為何始終沒出現?

紀家尉一手創立了「離婚後事務所」,是從前女友無聲無息離開後。 做為幫助離婚舊人各自展開新生活的推手, 他認為「好聚好散」是離開愛情時最美的姿態, 愛情有開始,最終也一定會結束。 在別人眼裡,他看起來總是刻意地與愛情保持距離, 其實,是能治癒他的那個人,好像還沒來到他的身邊…

一個幫人找尋真愛,一個幫人揮別愛情, 關曉彤與紀家尉就這樣不對盤地相遇了! 但為什麼,從頭到尾完全不合的兩人, 理智上越是抗拒,心裡卻越靠越近… 莫非,這就是愛情?

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25 thoughts on “Murphy’s Law of Love (莫非, 這就是愛情) Episode 01

  1. The video has been removed. The error message:

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  2. actually i wanna wait for this drama to end first then watch because i don wan to wait for every week for one ep only.. but i just cant hold myself up and watch this.. love this drama !

  3. haha i like the cast. for some reason when i look at danson, i feel he’s .. so korean. just my thoughts though 😛 the way he reacts and his gestures. anyway not bad, haven’t had a tw drama in a while where i like the cast and the plot seems ok (for now anyway). excited to see how this turns out!

  4. I really hope this drama in the end Danson get the main girl because in his past drama he either die or get no one. I’m so tire of watching his drama and to find out he doesn’t get the girl.

    • I agree with you too. Danson already follows her quietly in the first episode.. which I guess is a good sign! 🙂 Plus I think they are really cute together based on all the posters and opening credits. Danson pulls on her hands while she looks away to the other guy who likes her.. He’s quite protective! Aww.

      • OO! Good signs! Finally! But the other guy is pretty cute too ;3. He was in the Pursuit of Happiness and the cooking drama with Puff Guo.

        • Yeah, which was a bit sad because he’s quite a good actor in that drama.. but I was also in love with the main leads too. Regardless its going to be a good fight between the two men! 🙂

    • dont think so he is main lead this time not 2nd male lead so won’t get no one…if this drama turns out like what u said then really he’s unlucky haha

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