Aim High (22K夢想高飛) Episode 05

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Tipster Rednimer

3 thoughts on “Aim High (22K夢想高飛) Episode 05

  1. 好奇怪哦,经理竟然当着所有人的面通知言冒棠她没达标而不是叫进办公室。而且,塞翁失马,焉知非福。。。

  2. Mao Mao is set to be a character who has her own reasoning of living in certain ways. However, I feel like…. she’s so cruel to Dao Yuan T___T too cruel…. T___T And poor Lego… stayed in the artificial rain for 6 hours!

  3. Yeah episode 5 is here. Been waiting all week for Friday. So happy that MM and her friends made up and be friends again. It look like Yi Fen is falling for Qi Feng so hard but he seem to think DY & Qi Feng have a thing for each other when he see them two at the office. hehe…I just hope there won’t be any misunderstood with Qi Feng and Yi Fen lovestoryline.

    Man, DY is trying so hard, everything for MM. I really hope MM can let the past go and be with DY all ready. I hate to see both of them suffer. Yi Fen is the best boss. He really there to help DY out. I smile so hard when MM went to the hospital to see DY ^_^ I’m glad MM & DY finally have a nice chat. Haha that hold scene of YF and QF in the car was hilarious YF is like he having a panic attack.. lol

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