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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". July 7, 2014 Tipster Rednimer
17 thoughts on “The X-Dormitory (終極X宿舍) Episode 11”
this show is one in a series of six–each one is set in an alternate dimension in which each character has an alternate identity in another that occasionally interact
why can not see this video de
this ep is kinda crappy
it got nowhere, and there was nothing new. my favo part was the preview of the next ep
the show is getting better 😀 tml’s episode shd be nice. 😀
一直都很喜歡終極系列,因為裡面的異能,KO榜,戰力/武力指數,還有武器都是在亞洲的戲劇界比較天馬行空/新穎的。但是拍多了,就會覺得已經是舊瓶新酒,劇本一直掰,演員們的演技也是青黃不接。不是說不能捧新演員,不能把十二個時空都演一部,但是演到連忠實粉絲都叫不好看,無聊,棄劇,真的好嗎? 都第十一集了,一場武打戲都沒有,一直在那邊大叫或電來電去,關鍵人物只會在預告出現然後沒有然後。要嘛就讓雄哥像終極一班2的大東那樣帶著他們,幫他們解開心結什麼的。或者像終極三國那樣一邊搞笑一邊打都可以。這樣毫無劇情推進力的劇本,是想要觀眾自我安慰說下一集會更好嗎?
so confusing.. same actors act different roles from ko.3
obviously you dont watch other ko. all those are their fen shen.
this show is one in a series of six–each one is set in an alternate dimension in which each character has an alternate identity in another that occasionally interact
Gui Long!!! Have to wait till tomorrow. 🙁
got the 醉後決定愛上你 feel