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當擅長「讀心術」的夏又謙,遇上「第二眼美女」安希時,讀心術竟然完全失靈? 安希在撲浪村經營的民宿面臨史上最大危機:債主海闊老大的霸道求愛!安希為了民宿的存亡,只好換上戰袍一赴夜宴。 離開喧囂的城市回到撲浪村的又謙,心念著十年前的青春回憶,卻在寧靜的泳池邊遇上當年讓他受傷而離開的原因-「安希」… 又謙和安希的碰撞,攪亂一池春水,直到「他看她的第二眼」後,才能看見對方最單純的心。
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July 5, 2015
The previews seem too good to be true :/ I feel like An Xi will say no to You Qian because as the auntie said before “she doesn’t want to date or be in a relationship”.
As for the girl the new girl that comes in the drama, I hope her intentions are good. Her expressions show that she is well aware of the “love” between An Xi and You Qian so hopefully she will help them, not harm them.
i think AX will say no to YQ. coz deep down she likes “unibrow” unknown to her is YQ…BTW I am going to throw it out there, here first… that AX’s Mom is YQ boss… The YQ “gf”YongQing’s Mother… i see alot of foreshadowing…fingerscrossed hope i m wrong
I love this drama .. YQ and AX are the perfect couple!! For once, it is so nice to see YQ trying to win her heart even though his intention is to clear his doubts .. well, so many good words from her friends that surely he cannot ignore! YQ is standing by hoping to see YQ fails and then he can go to her .. tough luck!! Super exciting next week to see them together .. hope AX wont say no to YQ’s pursue
woo! looking forward for the next episode where can see more of you qian and an xi! i think the girl somehow of likes you qian but she know that he likes an xi! hope i am able to find the part that i am curious about through the upcoming eps! ^^
Sigh! Every shows sure have a girl comes in between the main lead actor and actress to ruin their relationship…
cant wait!!!