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沒有挖不到的獨家!沒有保護不了的人! 丁若芹,「V-Focus」政治社會組的記者,業界有「百變女王」、「獨家獵人」的封號。而「Krisis」安全顧問的負責人姜至衡,堪稱業界「終極保鑣」,不僅要保護雇主的安全、更要捍衛雇主的隱私。身為宿敵的兩人,為了一則新聞事件,意外引爆遊艇而漂流荒島。擁有傭兵經歷的至衡帶著若芹在野外求生等待救援,這看似沒有人煙的小島,出乎意料的居然是另一則獨家新聞的發生地,他們除了得努力求生外,還得努力的逃生...
愛情是一切的解答!科學才是一切的真理! 滿心期待幸福日子的心儀,卻在婚禮當天收到新郎分手簡訊,本想坦白面對一切的心儀,在面對眾人目光下,憶起雙親交代要是嫁不出去就得回老家繼承武道館的家業!心儀情急下,靈機一動,請求伴郎國隆充當她的新郎,國隆認出她就是當年他暗戀的對象... |
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January 18, 2017
i can’t understand settv sometimes… first they cut better man, claiming that 8pm dramas will never be more than 60 eps from then on; then they make v-focus go way past 60 eps :/
maybe it has something to do with contract disputes. like they dont want to pay the cast and directors for better man. sounds like it was just an excuse to blow people over.
not sure. perhaps.
but it was a real shame. considering that months later i’m still harping on it. hahaha.
anyway, v-focus is ending soon.
When is it ending?
don’t know but the story is getting kinda draggy already and melvin sia keeps mentioning 殺青 on SNS hahaha i guess sometime soon? 70 eps or less.
he did?
they all are talking about it on their SNS now
it ends tmr!
haha well that drama was a lil bit more interesting than this one. i feel like this one jumps around way too much. i think this will have one of those abrupt endings as well.
oh better man was amazing compared…thats why i’m still so hung up on it hahaha
v-focus is picking up quite a bit.the beginning part was awful. i feel like they are wrapping things up quite nicely now though, so hopefully the ending wouldn’t be too abrupt.
we shall see. i feel like it’s trying to build up a huge climatic finale. hopefully it pans out and ends smoothly. or at least without any questions haha
but have you noticed the slight similarities in the characters? both has 3 main female and male actors. and the male characters have some similarities in their personalities lol
really? i thought the father-son reconciliation was so classic sanlih, but i haven’t realized any other similarities. the guys can’t act as well as the girls in this one tho, which is the exact opposite of better man xD
haha yeah it seems like the male actors are kinda boring. but that may be what they are going for too. for the females, you have one who is older, but likes a younger guy. shes also technically the strongest. main actress always needs someone to clean up after her mess. the best friend, is the one whos doing everything to show her loved one, that shes in love with them.