The Way We Were (16個夏天) Episode 10

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12 thoughts on “The Way We Were (16個夏天) Episode 10

    • Yep it’s a superbly written and acted show. I think Ruby Lin is one of the producers actually. Some scenes are so heartbreaking and moving. Like the scene in this episode with the mum offering Jiani soup after her miscarriage… it’s like finally, part of her long-awaited dream of having a home to go to was fulfilled. Not by a man, but by her own mum’s acknowledgement of her as a daughter!

      Honestly, this show reminds me a little of the Before Sunrise/Before Sunset/Before midnight movie trilogy. I like the concept of seeing the actors & actresses skip 6-10 years in time. It shows their growth as characters, and stretches their acting ability. The themes of this series are such simple ones – love, family, timing, betrayal, friendship. But yet the acting is so compelling and the writing so good that it completely engages the audience. No need slapstick, lots of special effects or unique plot lines to capture an audience. Just need acting from the heart, and something genuinely relatable, that will speak to lots of people.

      I love the soundtrack too.

      I remember Ruby Lin from her days as a princess in Huan Zhu Ge Ge, and look how far she’s come! Totally mature as a thespian.

  1. Whoa … a lot of progress in one episode .. why did Weide do that in front of his girl friend or because he did not know that his girlfriend was at the concert?? Looks like this time Weide is not going to wait around, don’t think Jiani will accept him so fast though

  2. 天啊。终于等到了这一刻。方韦德勇敢塔出的第一步将会是改变剧情的开始!!俊杰的疑神疑鬼真的太恐怖了。他似乎忘了自己做出伤害家妮的事实。从大学那场意外,他就用这愧疚绑住了家妮。

    • 俊杰的态度和反应都是因为他很清楚家妮原本就喜欢方韦德。这是缺乏安全感在作祟。而且他酒后乱性时心里想的和以为都是家妮。他没爱过瑞瑞。

      • 我同意缺乏安全感在作祟的说法, 毕竟从剧情一开始, 俊杰都是默默的在“看”家妮。。。 但是, 如果爱情只是自私占有, 那么终就不会快乐。或许需要家妮勇敢看清自己的感情才能让俊杰明白真正爱一个人是对对方信任,没有遮盖的分享困难。如果爱你的那一个人不能跟你诚实诉苦, 分享坏好心情,婚姻将会是一种负担。 谢谢abc的想法! :)

        • 老婆太能干,大男人自卑感作祟。。这点从俊杰能跟老婆分享好消息但却隐瞒坏消息上就看到了。他太在乎家妮对他的看法。毕竟这段婚姻只有俊杰的出发点是原于爱。而另一方。。则是内疚多于爱情。

  3. 方韦德和唐家妮跟本就是两情相愿嘛,如果在一起一定会白头偕老的。而且,他没有一个难搞的婆婆。。。当初配错对,现在应该重配吧。

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