The New World (新世界) Episode 15 The End

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8 thoughts on “The New World (新世界) Episode 15 The End

  1. Why is this “The New World” not included in the 2015 idol drama list? I really think this well-scripted and well acted drama should be viewed by many more people.

    • I agree. This show is worth watching. Bravo to the writers and the actors /actresses. The story intensifies with each episode with more questions than answers. Watch how the show unravels it’s mysteries. If you are a mystery fan this show is for you.

  2. Go on Youtube, google search “The New World”/Taiwan Drama, you will be able to get the video of 2015/3/19 Taiwan Ming Ren Bong. It is about Dou Hwa Mei and the director of the drama.

  3. A well directed ending although it is very sad for those who were left behind by TH .. too much sacrifice in the end and got no answer to the “accident”! Poor ZY … she and TH were meant for each other .. this is not the typical love drama but kept us captivated towards the latter half of the drama .. it was tough understanding it at the beginning.

  4. I totally enjoyed this drama. The Writer( s) should be congratulated. And this group of new actors and actresses also should be highly acknowledged. Hope more people will watch this “The New World”.

    • I agree. It was surprisingly a very well-written show and kept my attention until the end. Even made me think about the question of systemic evil. The comments made by the three special team members were thought-provoking.

      The acting was great. Kudos to the entire cast! You’re right, these young actors and actresses are all really good. DH’s emoting at the end (especially in the message to his mum) felt so, so real.

      I don’t think the family was entirely at fault in preventing the tragedies, but they certainly had a part to play in not exposing the evil that another party had committed against the villagers, and also in sacrificing the interests of the minority for the common good.

      *spoilers ahead – warning*

      I totally didn’t expect ZY to be part of the “going home” project. It was another good twist. I like how the show doled out these twists bit by bit, including Yang Gu Wen’s involvement in latter half of the show. The only thing I wasn’t really comfortable with was Yong Mei’s pregnancy – I thought that was really incongruous with DH’s character. But I guess it was required as a plot device in the end to remind the family of what they had done. Haunting, indeed.

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