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香港「文記燒鵝」可說是全球最富盛名的中餐廳,被國際媒體選為世界十大食府之一,連續五年得到米其林二星的殊榮,眾多名人、富豪都是其座上客,有富貴食堂之稱... 但此時文記卻遇到了史上最難的困境... |
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November 27, 2015
this show is full of product placements -_- quite annoying. like watching ads aft ads.
well … gets interesting a little .. Chris getting soft with Charlie? Guess they have to make the XH try to pursue JH also and then later the main leads get together …
台湾经济应该很差吧,所有drama 都植入行销。。。食品,手机, supermarket…