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任職於天璽集團秘書室的鍾雨棠,從不覺得自己是後菜鳥,自認為把份內該做的事都做得妥妥的,下屬也都很服從她,包括她在內的每個人都以為她即將接手成為首席秘書,就只差正式的人事命令了... 但人算不如天算,就像抓破頭也想不到新任執行長會是小時候住對門而且還是放牛班的「紀文凱」! 鍾雨棠所有的「自以為」都讓紀文凱很光火,並視為不上進,於是將雨棠降至「業務墳場」業務三課,開始一連串的魔鬼訓練... |
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May 22, 2016
c’mon guys, don’t let small little mistakes of theirs bring their whole wonderful drama down. just because of the little mistakes, is that suppose to bring down their WHOLE effort of the drama? no. Indeed, as racist as it might be but the way you all portray are trying to reason it out isn’t reasonable when you all only look at the bad side (that mistake) but not the good side (the whole drama itself and effort put in).
To all the racist people here :OMG guys. They were showing how someone from another country came all the way to taiwan to buy a really good soap. That is not racist.They were not saying anything about black skin. Neither did they say white was the only beautiful color. Asians are yellow btw.
Furthurmore. It is important to realize that there are different skin colors in this world. pointing out( distinguishing) that a single person is white, black, or yellow cannot be called racist. It is not unethical to do so,
This is a multicultural world. Enough already. So disappointed in the writers lack of sensitivity and creativity to put it mildly. It was a really cute rom/com up until the ending of episode 12.
I seriously hope Kdramas never ever go this far.
they made a lil mistake at the part where they pretended to be black and the mistake was when the cute one (the one who did the black dude) said ” wash with mei mei become white” that only part was racist and dumb, white ain’t the only beautiful color… as a black woman I don’t necessarily call the whole scene racist.. stereotypes are everywhere.. like when american actors try to imitate Chinese people (hangover) or when they always make fun of asian and give then the role of a Chinese person even if they’re Korean but people have to put this in their mind ; Black is BEAUTIFUL just as Yellow, Brown, Red and White. And also black people should stop seeing racism everywhere it’s not cool stop using that as an excuse to hate your skin.
Stop seeing racism? You mean other than watching some smear black paint on their face and shuck jive to sell soap to Mae their skin white, white? Not only do they go out of their way to exaggerate the features of african-americans, he dug way deep into the jim crow bag and tried to talk and act “black”. I refuse to accept that is how people in Taiwan see me and my entire race. No, this was a stupid insensitive racist views of the writers.
Exactly and thank you! People are ignorant to the meaning and intent behind the “blackface” image. This scene was senseless and absolutely offensive! Any attempt to explain this to people who could care less anyway, is useless and very sad. I’m very careful these days what I lend my energy to. You get back what you reflect and that’s the bottom line for me.
Pretending to be a black man? Super racist…
That’s not even racism. He’s merely trying to act as a foreigner who really likes the product, so he merely chose to act as a African american. There’s seriously no racism involved, you’re just being attention seeking.
The fact that you say he is acting like a ‘African American’ shows how truly racist and clueless you are. You just painted a whole race of people with one broad stroke.
I agree. It’s offensive. I like the drama, and I am fan of Aaron Yan but these is totally wrong. I mean if you don’t find the whole scene wrong. How on earth would make sense a dark skin person to say to become “white-white”. That wasn’t offensive?
when the idea of their product is used, wen kai stared at the survilliance camera.. i wonder whether he will check the camera out.
Still a mostly dumb show with not much brilliant storyline to it. Excellent to be watched when doing dishes.
They are seriously so cute together!!!
It is so cute how 棠 and 凱 relationship is finally expose!!! I look forward to see how the colleagues reacts. CUTE!!
Hope for more lovely scenes together till the end.
I think the puzzles spell : Marry me…. :-)))
hope that is the case ” YAY”
It is just a figurative meaning used when a person is very angry, is there any need to get so sensitive about it.
They forget the world is much smaller because of the internet. If they want to have people appreciate the craft get off the bloody stereotype. It shows how narrow minded the director and producer are.
Chill. The amount of Asian stereotypes and crude humor American television shows shows have are leaps and bounds worse.
I agree. Not necessarily saying it was funny or a good portrayal but please Western shows are way worse. This is nothing
So because Chris Rock chose to do a racist skit, and American television writers choose to continually promote stereotypes, that makes this okay?
Chris Rock does not represent all black people! And American writers do not represent the views of all Americans.
really please name one. Sambos renditions even in the states are not appreciated. It is connected to a very harsh era for ppl of coulour. So please do not tell me it to chill. It’s still disgusting.
You’ve got to be kidding me. Let’s see, Chris Rock hosting the oscars had Asian children go on stage so he could humor the crowd with senseless stereotypical jokes. So chill
Did he altered his eyes, whitened his skin, wore a straight wig, make ridiculous gestures to appear Chinese, really ??? Not the same thing. Stop comparing apples and oranges please. That entire scene in this episode was not funny and uncalled for, the fact you are even defending it make me see where your mind is at.
But they are not even being stereotype? He’s just acting as a foreigner, I repeat, foreigner. Which means any racial identity besides his original race. (Korean. Japanese. Indian. Malay. Etc.) So, he probably chose a african american. And what’s the big deal about that?
Then would he/she had worn a kimono or carried a samurai sword if the wanted to portray a Japanese? Indian comes in different shade too would he had carried an Indian accent. I think your example as well as the scene is of very poor taste. And for your information, African American nor any person of color do not have hair like that nor that atrocious painted skin color. People of color are of different beautiful shades and ethnicity even in the States.
I was thinking the same thing totally disgusted.
Black face really????!?!?!!!
He merely wanted to act as a foreigner who enjoys using the product. What’s wrong with that? Tell me.
use mei mei and turn white have to say something more or spell?
East Asians like to be fair skinned. It’s hard for them to realize that foreigners would not want to be so. I agree it’s not tastefully done, however I don’t think they intended it insensitively.