Prince of Lanling (蘭陵王) Episode 36 – 38

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66 thoughts on “Prince of Lanling (蘭陵王) Episode 36 – 38

  1. the kneeling and praying scene of 雪舞 were so heart wrenching. 林依晨 said 馮紹峰超會演哭劇. I think she is much better than him!! I can help but keep replaying this part….well done!

  2. Yu wen yong is my favourite even if he is not the main lead like Lanling Wang … he is the better looking one in traditional costume! (not counting An De wang or GH of course).

  3. 每一次看到晓东我都会开心起来,他的品格很让人喜欢。 他真的很爱雪舞哦,现在已经看不到了!T-T

  4. I know it’s not supposed to be funny but every time xue wu goes “Xiao Dong Xiao Dong” to Daniel Chan I find it bloody hilarious and cannot take that scene very seriously. =d I wonder how the actors can keep a straight face.

  5. I think I skipped too much until I myself can’t understand now, all becos of that queen. Making my xue wu cried so much too.

    • OMG ME TOO! I skip most of these episodes these days cuz I’m so sick of her. Evil bitch gets way too much screen time!!!

  6. I am convinced that she will die. The ending thyme song indicates love til arrow goes through heart and her gran said she will never know her fate to llw in early chapter

    • All spoilers say that she will die saving LLW so I believe that she will die too. Plus Grandma’s already hinted at it and it’s the reason why she tried so hard to separate Xue Wu and LLW – she’s foreseen that she’ll die for him.

      Both the ending and insert song lyrics say stuff along the lines of “giving my life to you”, “swapping my life for yours”, etc. so yeah, we can all expect a tragic ending since everything is setting up for it…

  7. ariel lin’s acting is getting pretty annoying and her character is becoming a weak useless woman only yu wen yong is worth watching after xiao dong died :'(

    • unfortunately it will only get sadder so better prepare some tissues 🙁

      this series is so depressing. story is too sad 🙁

    • 冯叔的哭戏实在太棒了!看到他和雪舞拜别时的热泪盈眶,从来不被苦情戏感动的我都觉得很难过。他演眼泪在心里流也演的非常好。

  8. 虽然我这几天都在一边哭一边骂兰林王的笨,他的无能,他没有能力保护雪舞,可是我又为他难过,为他不值。可能他妇人之仁,不能当好皇帝,可高纬就更没有资格当皇上,郑儿的复仇最痛苦的其实是她自己,她的自私,嫉妒,凶狠把她变成齐国皇后,她和高纬是天生一对,她配不上兰林王。

    • 虽然我觉得兰陵王太愚忠,但我也很同情他的处境。中国古人大部分都抱住“君要臣死,臣不能不死”的心态。他生在皇室亦是一国武将,难免自幼就被“愚忠愚孝“的思想洗脑。



  9. 不得不說,現在得這個演皇上的演員的真好,把其實不想濫殺又陷入鄭兒魅語的陷阱中的情緒演得很好,(包括懷疑鄭兒的情意),鄭兒(演員)也是,她讓觀眾破口大罵(成功了!),又讓人看出她對蘭陵王是由愛生恨,但事實上不忍殺他,可是事情都到這個地步也不得不殺。(所以高長恭其實並沒有死,不然男主角就此消失也很怪)

  10. 自从皇上去世后,真看不下去了!郑儿真让人讨厌!狗皇上让人摆布! 又很少 DanielChan 在里面的戏!好喜欢他!也希望他能和林依晨在一起哈哈哈!但是是不可能的:(

  11. #中国好丈夫高长恭#

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