19 thoughts on “PM10-AM03 Episode 13 The End

  1. 媽呀!才第一季, 我只是想看這部戲可以有甚麼奇怪的結果,但是怪戲就不用拍那麼多集了阿!

  2. like it till the ending ep. One question keeps poping up in my head ; what is this F_CKING ads ?
    this ads took probably half of the total broadcast time, plus the fact that it repeats same ads (boring).

  3. 这部剧实在很差,B2本意可能是拍出 钮承泽 Love的短篇版,不过由于演员阵容不强,剧本结构松散,灯光化妆技术不到位,只给人一种脏乱 好笑 综艺 夜店 版 东施效颦的印象,在这种晦暗的气氛中,实在不能融入“寻找真爱” 的”清澈本质“,本片的开头制作非常像低成本的三级片,片头曲太吵太过重复

    B2实在应该反思,做导演也要有深度,康熙这么好的平台不认真做,做这些有的没的,有一集竟然发了50个路人,你要是把康熙毁了 到时候连请综艺C咖拍你的破片都请不来

  4. b2 is undoubtedly a creative genius; however, i think commercial concerns were more the reason for this show’s failure than his production ability (Having said that, the show garnered the highest ratings of any show in MTV Taiwan history).  If you look at it another way, people at clubs in taipei live fairly banal lives, experiencing the same ups and downs (albeit drawn out over a longer time period)- Good job, B2!  Hopefully this will give you both the confidence and the commercial backing to tackle something else.  

  5. i think this is a teaser, if they get lots of hits, they’ll prob have another season….but yah the commercial’s really annoying…i thought it was part of the show

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