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明曉溪,一個來自山城小部落鳳凰村的女孩,她是當今國內最年輕的武術女子冠軍,終日奔跑在家鄉的山林之中,她深愛自己的家鄉、村民,以為一輩子都會待在鳳凰村,不料,竟發生一件從此改變她的命運的事!曉溪破天荒地破格錄取進入人人夢寐以求的精英大學~光榆學院。當她一肩扛起扁擔帶著一籮筐的橘子與行李箱,配上涼鞋五色五指襪俗氣的打扮走進光榆校園,這所達官子弟專屬的貴族名校,隨處可見跑車、名牌、時尚的俊男美女的高級校區,曉溪馬上引起校園一陣騷動,引人紛紛側目... |
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October 7, 2015
Guys, Next Wednesday 14th October I’ll promise to upload 6 episodes :)!
Reply to me on the 12th of October. dont make me change my mind!
Oh btw Stay happy user, Every Wednesday and Thursday there are 2 episodes so basically 4 episodes each week.
Regards, Director of Moon River
P.S My daughter knows English so she’s typing 🙂
okay can lel. but just to comment, director of moon river won’t even bother leaving a comment here. directors usually just post on the official website regarding these stuffs. (:
I like it when mu lui bing and Ming Shei zing were happy.
guys, do you know why episode 17 doesn’t work?
by the way, Can watch Moon river on iPod?
Anyways, episode 20 was really sad 🙁 All coco’s fault
This week episodes 17-20 is very sad ;(
I wish XX not cried a lot…
And I wish its Monday again (LOL)
how i wish this had english subtitle
Liu bing is so selfish. Initially i was rooting for him and xiao xi but now i really think that xiao xi deserves someone better! She had every right to stay angry but it felt like she was being deceived time and again. Probably not gonna happen but it would be so great if there was a plot twist and she just forget about him, treasure herself more and work hard towards her own goal?XD
hello,did you watch this with eng sub?
Here is China version …if u want wTch in dramafire and dramacool Taiwanese version with eng sub…… Enjoy I mean u will love them more 🙂
i hope xiao xi and liu bin will tgt in the end
I wanted to cry too when XX was crying.. it made me so sad. I felt her pain and unhappiness. I get that LB wants to strive for his dream and go to US with KK but still.. this is messy.
I’m glad that Ice Prince is here to save the day and rescue XX. 🙂
Wow this drama is so good!! ? I feel sorry for Xaoi Yi,he really loves the guy,,They already in relationship but the other girl, comes..does sh had bad intention for Xaoi Yi and the guy..I hope their not gonna break up. When is the episode 21??
next week tuesday or monday
Liu Bing will come for XIAO XI in the club…the episodes are getting deeper and now we will know why Liu Bing dislike the TIE TREE…Im sad for LIU BING and XIAO XI but i know after all that happend to them their relationship will be getting stronger because they love each other…yeahhh Ajahhh Liu Bing/Xia Xi…
I wonder if it will be liu bing who save her? but I doubt so right haiz