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明曉溪,一個來自山城小部落鳳凰村的女孩,她是當今國內最年輕的武術女子冠軍,終日奔跑在家鄉的山林之中,她深愛自己的家鄉、村民,以為一輩子都會待在鳳凰村,不料,竟發生一件從此改變她的命運的事!曉溪破天荒地破格錄取進入人人夢寐以求的精英大學~光榆學院。當她一肩扛起扁擔帶著一籮筐的橘子與行李箱,配上涼鞋五色五指襪俗氣的打扮走進光榆校園,這所達官子弟專屬的貴族名校,隨處可見跑車、名牌、時尚的俊男美女的高級校區,曉溪馬上引起校園一陣騷動,引人紛紛側目... |
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September 30, 2015
Ohh the two are trapped with the bitches how sad they come to this situation…be strong Xiao Xi and hold on coz you are the only person that Liu Bing treasured and love the most,Liu Bing is strong and i understand why he had to deal with that girl he dont want him to be your burden and i hope this one bitch here will help Liu Bing in the crisis for his Family as a friend of him and this girl FIX the trouble between Xiao Xi and Liu Bing….im sorry guys im just sad with the episodes that the couple are fighting bcoz of this bad people around…i know everything will gonna be ok at the right time…Fighting XIAO XI/AH BING FORDLOVE…
I just found out there are two versions, Taiwan and ???. which one is Taiwan and which one is the other version? what is the difference?
Oops, ignore the last question about the difference. I didn’t know the question was already answered. 🙂
It’s better if they put english subtitles!
The audience is Chinese speaking, so they don’t have the need to put english subtitles. You can go find those with english subtitles though. I found some on youtube.
does anyone know a website that tells you when every episode of moon river is coming
From what i understand, the chinese version comes tuesdays and wednsdays, 2 episodes each day. And the taiwan version comes from monday to thursday, 1 episode per day 😉 Basically 4 eps per week. Sorry i dont know any website…
How come chinese version still hasn’t come yet
I’m a very impatient person when it comes to this kind of stuff
Isn’t there meant to be 2 chinese version episodes
i believe mydramalist will tell you
what’s your drama list?
may I know what’s the difference between this version and the Taiwan version?
It’s just that the other one is chinese version and that the taiwan version is kinda at different places at different episodes
The taiwanese version has more comedic scenes which the China version cut out. That’s about it.
thanks guys!
I hate that spoiled brat girl. This drama is good! I can’t wait for next episode::) when is ep17 coming?
next tues night
im sure that their relationship will only become stronger with tests and setbacks.
The group pic looks perfect if not for the spoiled girl…