TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". April 25, 2014 Tipster Rednimer
10 thoughts on “Lovestore at the Corner (巷弄裡的那家書店) Episode 02”
What a sad story… Missing and not be found sometimes can be worst than death. At least you know what happen, there is a closure to it.
What a sad story… Missing and not be found sometimes can be worst than death. At least you know what happen, there is a closure to it.
That dude (Li tser shuan)… his stupid hairdo’s gotta go…
the ost! <3
the actors in this show have relatively better acting compared to other dramas. but why do they look so old….
HAHA you crack me up!
is the whole point of this story about discovering the causeo f her sister’s death? that person was cheating and stuff?
音質很差 跟上一集比 怎麼回事