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溫馨接受朋友邀請回台,共創廣告行銷事業。偶然結識季言希,又因緣際會入住曉麗家,成為吳曉麗的房客,與其他室友們:項一柔、項一陽、季言希共同生活。不料又陰差陽錯與季言希成為職場對手,在相互「廝殺」的同時,對彼此逐漸產生莫名的好感。 隨著朝夕相處之下,溫馨由最初的不適應逐漸融入,很快地就和幾個年輕人成為好朋友,然而每個人的心中似乎都有不堪回首、無法言喻的傷痛回憶。而溫馨與曉麗不吝用善意敲開對方的心門,陪伴【真情之家】的成員經歷挫折而成長,一起相互關懷依存,填補內心的缺口,成為真正的一家人! |
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November 29, 2017
YX trusts WX to go on her own adventure and fulfils her dream .. am sure WX will come back with the answer that he has been waiting for ..
So Lucky is the chosen partner for Kelly .. he knows she will not love him and I think he does not in turn … but Kelly’s mum is the tiger mum !!
True love does not possess on the person, but wait patiently for the person. This man knows that she will return with a good reply after she sorted out her life and dreams.