Flowers In Fog (花非花霧非霧) Episode 01 – 03

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29 thoughts on “Flowers In Fog (花非花霧非霧) Episode 01 – 03

  1. hey ppl u better zip your mouth shut. everyone has different taste for dramas OKAY?! even if you don’t like, is there a need to spread it out so loudly? your look the dumbest writing these retarded comments HAHAHAHA! the actors, the directors, the writers, they all paid off their hard work to make this drama come true, CAN’T U JUST SHOW SOME LEAST APPRECIATION ?! U R THE ONE WHO SUCKS THE MOST!

  2. This is call a drama for a reason so stop biitching about it. If you want realistic, go watch a fking documentary or some shhit. What’s wrong with you people, talking like you never watch a drama before wtf -_-

  3. So cliche…..and so unrealistic…on so many levels….its just like the New HZGG……

    *token black basketballers
    *OP fake basketball skills
    *Chinese lectures in France
    *White ppl attending these Chinese lectures…in France
    * I would totally crash into a lecture I’m running late for, making sure everyone knew that I had arrived late
    * And that old guy’s face lol. Looks constantly constipated

    Of course we’re allowed to criticise, its called constructive criticism. Not all reviews have to be positive. We;re critiquing so that they know to do it differently next time. So sick of fanboys who won’t allow free speech. If you don’t like what we’re writing then don’t read the comments!

    How were we to know the show is stupid without at least watching it first?

  4. I hope have english trans..
    i can’t understand mandarin language..
    i really really want saw this drama..
    i waiting so long for this drama..

  5. …..就算是在paris取景。。。。還是脫不了俗 。。花10分鐘看。。three mins for these comments………………

  6. True ! U guys r crazy how can u dislike this its amazing if u dont like it dont watch it dont ruin it 4 others! I luv li sheng and zhang they have good chemistry! Well I guess if u watched new my fair princess u will love them but hope this love is better than there last life umm lets put it this way get married in this one plz !? 😀 xx <3

  7. 你們這些人 不喜歡就不要看! 你們自己又多厲害了?
    不管演的如何 劇情如何 乾你們屁事? 有你們的毛 有你們的局?
    喜歡就看不喜歡就不要看! 唬什麼濫?
    劇情不好? 你們自己來寫劇本阿? 看你們多厲害………
    阿不就是演戲嗎? 你們這些人有夠沒品的!

  8. 真是有夠讓人全身起雞皮疙瘩的爛片.女主角也比一般大學生老.這連續劇是想騙哪類的觀眾啊…是幼稚園小孩還是沒看過優質戲劇的鄉下人?

  9. (個人觀點 非筆仗…)
    為了滿足少女幻想而寫 和現實出入蠻大的…
    不能否認瓊瑤阿姨是一代大師 但可惜他終就和時代脫軌…

    • 寫了 60 年的言情小說, 依然是一樣的台詞。 一路走來,依然 “驚心動魄” , 真是令人 “膽戰心驚” 啊。

  10. 什麼虎爛的戲阿!!!! ==” 最好在法國還會有寫著中文的指示啦!~ 來這裡八年從沒見過! 又虎爛又故意弄韓風, 還配著講著奇怪中文的音! 有誰可以告訴我這到底是哪裡出產的戲阿? 一整各無言ㄟ

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