Fabulous Boys (原來是美男) Episode 03

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102 thoughts on “Fabulous Boys (原來是美男) Episode 03

  1. Actually, I found this drama has grown on it own…it’s kind of funny and all the casts here are making their own character very believable!

  2. I feel that this type of storyline isn’t the kind that can bring out taiwan’s unique flavour /:
    Frankly, i don’t feel attracted to this drama…

  3. you can’t stop people from comparing la. =) the production crew should be prepared for it before these comments came in. So a good drama don’t need the audience to defend them.

    I guess the roles are pretty alright. just that the naggin’ thought of shinwoo is only 20 and jeremy 27 is just strange. hahaa… and the girl is 25….jiro is 32!!

    But the actors are trying their best to fit into their roles. They did bring out the envy of many girls… that is to have 3 cute guys surrounding 1 girl. =) the girl is plain lucky!!! and that’s the success of the script no matter korean. jap or taiwan version.

    • True…but ppl can leave a comment direct at the production crew’s mail box…i think thats more efficient. Perhaps we could give ppl who likes this drama a break…there is a reason why they like it. So no point trying to voice out a comparison to fans who dont need your 2cents.

    • well, i’m glad that they didn’t fly in another korean actor/actress who needs voice-overs in mandarin…. i can’t help but remember “absolute boyfriend” which was totally awkward because the actress was korean and needed voice-over, and when she speaks, the words don’t match her mouth at all..

  4. omg.. loving this show like.. tons… haven’t watched the japanese or korean version before which is great so that I don’t compare. Same thing for everyone… This drama is out not so that you can compare between the different versions of the show… This show is out so that people who are not a person who watches japanese or korean shows can enjoy this amazing story line! I think that everyone should just stop comparing. =D

  5. when he threw the ring, there was a ripple in the water. yet now its saying the ring is in his hand all this while -.-

  6. in the original korean drama, the guy who plays shinwoo seemed really creepy to me. When he found out that Go Mi Nam was a girl, he like started trying to get closer to her and saying weird things like “We’re close, right?” In this drama, I really like Xin Yu. He doesn’t seem that creepy, and he really just seems like he wants to help gao mei nan out. 🙂

  7. 沒開過車也知道油門剎車在那裡吧。。。那女的真的蠢到無以復加。。。
    再耍白痴下去 真的沒法繼續看了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

        • d mode without pressing on the gas is extremely slow… no point for an adult to freak out..
          and to be honest, the script doesn’t even make sense. it’s impossible to just push the gear lever accidentally from p mode to d mode without pressing the security button….

          • oh puh-lease. for an adult nun who doesn’t know how to drive, i feel this is an accurate representation. i just enjoy the show. i don’t care if the script doesn’t make sense; i just like the plot. tbh, i feel that this makes more sense than the korean version. 🙂

          • I didn’t watch the korean version. I watched this one mainly because of Jiro and RenDe.

            I am the type of person that I just couldn’t focus on the drama when it doesn’t make sense. ╮(╯_╰)╭

      • it’s like this…

        guy: ok calm down listen to me! there are two pedals. The right one…

        girl: (step on the right one as hard as she could) AHHHHHHHHH

        to conclude, the girl is just stupid PERIOD
        she is probably another most stupid girl I’ve ever seen in drama. The first one was the girl in “it all started with a kiss”

        I seriously dun think making the girl extremely stupid is the way to make a good drama…

        • EXUSE ME! Im not the one that spends double the time commenting than watching the well written dramas. You try writing one!!!! sorry I don’t have time to listen, I have to go walk my mom’s mom’s best friend’s second cousin once removed’s unicorn, and yes its named Turtle!

          • hello? my last comment was not a reply of yours. so calm down. i am not trying to go against you at all.

            I wanted to like this drama.

            and i guess i have the right to comment about my feelings on the drama?

            FYI I don’t think I need to have the ability to do something before I can tell it’s good or not.

            And come on, like it or not is subjective.

            I don’t like it, I judge it.
            you like it, you praise it.
            Why don’t we just keep it this way.

      • 這應該是常識吧 沒常識也要看電視 沒看過電視也坐過車 公車也一樣
        。。。orz 就算不知道剎車是哪個不敢踩 都還有手剎吖 幾乎都在作為傍邊不是嗎。。。

        • 這根本不是常識的問題把。你做公車還會看司機踩哪個油門哦。 還有沒有開過車的人不一定知道什麼是手刹啊。不要以為你知道的東西就一定是常識好不好。

          • 那就算不算常識 也是現今人類應該要有的知識
            現在滿大街都是車子吖 幾乎所有人上班上課都坐車吖
            過去有多少司機行車時身體出狀況 會不會沒事就看坐車上的人有沒有常識 就算不會開車 也要會基本的剎車動作

            之前香港有個公車司機就是因為行駛中暈倒了 車上沒有一個人知道怎麼辦 於是車直接撞上一台計程車 計程車被撞扁 裡面的人全部死掉 公車裡面幾十個乘客也受傷

            光只是知道那個是煞車 或許這些意外都不會發生 那你說人們應不應該有這樣的知識

          • 照你说的,意思大概是 - 看过,坐过,就等于該有的知識哦?

            你看过鱼,吃过鱼,摸过鱼吗? 那你会捕鱼咯?


          • 拜託 你說的那些都是技術活
            捕魚的叫漁夫 接生的是接產士 人家那是賺錢的活
            能讓你隨便做到的 人家還賺錢不
            再說捕魚用漁網 就算我沒做過 有點常識 頂多就多花點時間 總是做得到的
            孕婦有些來不及去醫院的 在有醫生的指導下 勉強還是能做到的
            緊急狀況的時候 就是靠平日得到的知識 常識 跟當下的應對來解決問題的吖

            可是認識手剎跟煞車pedal 然後必要時踩下去跟手剎拉起來 需要很多技術嗎?
            車子的設計本來不就是追求簡單 基本上能讓所有人都能開的嗎

            到底是我對人類要求太高 還是你們要求太低吖

          • 簡單來說 現在講的是在沒辦法的情況的下 必要的應對 我不會開公車 可是如果車子在無人駕駛狀態 我知道煞車在那裡 根據當時車的行駛狀況 我起碼能讓車子勉強停下來 就算還是會有人受傷的情況 總比撞上別的人跟車好吧

            這就是我說起碼要有的常識 就這樣而已

          • 我可能也会吼,因为我不会开车,老妈也没说为了避免交通意外我要对刹车有认知。

            但!不知所措 不等于在等意外發生。You know, people do get panic on things they are unsure of? Especially when an accident is approaching, that could doubled her panic attack. Plus this female lead is timid, if they wanted her to be witty-smart then the above scene wouldnt happened. She would have – *Snap!* and gave the car a perfect pull-over. But….boring lah.

          • 其實開車很好玩 其實跟玩碰碰車差不多 我以前也覺得很難 比如說轉彎不知道方向盤要轉多少之類的 後來就知道那是很自然而然就會了的東西

            男生開車開得好很加分 女生雖然可以等人載 不過會也很好啦 (笑

            lol you know what. I think I tend to like those female leads who are tough and independent, but there are some rare moments that she would show her weakness, and the male lead would always discover and comfort her. That kind of stuff.

            probably because I can refer it to myself better XD

            I am sure this girl is gonna show her talent or courage later on. I just hope it’s coming soon enough. coz I really want to continue watching this, but she is kinda getting on my nerve and I am losing patient 🙁

          • Lol 我尝试过,但没方向感,左右不分。。。算了吧 ;p

            Ouh but that type of character wont quite fit this drama dont you think?

            Relax, i think this show move on quite fast, she’ll probably gained more confident/courage the next ep. =)

          • haha i never had high expectations for this show anyways, korean version is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better

          • true true, but I have to be honest, the cast they picked for this show is too ug, but I give props for the shin woo guy, at least he is cuter than the korean shin woo, and how they stick to the original as much as possible; i skip over the boring parts anyways so it doesn’t matter. And since I now the plot already, it’s easy for me anyways

          • honestly, i agree completely

            gao meinan’s utter helplessness is getting a little pathetic and just plain annoying

            i find it hard that the actress understands that she’s actually meant to be playing a chick pretending to be a guy -_-

          • Interesting I find it annoying too but let’s put some facts in place GMN brought up as an orphan in a church not much activities n contact with the outside world focus on becoming a nun suddenly put under one roof with 3males anxiety n unfamiliarity also a secret to keep I guess she becomes tense up the whole time so these make some sense on the actions of GMN I guess some common sense doesn’t seems so common to her given her upbringing environment

          • 那。。。飞机呢?常坐的人难道也要对如何安全着落有着同样的常识咯?


            its ok that you have high expectations, but i see no reason for you to set any over a drama. its just a drama, you know? nothing is based on real-life?

            Seeing ppl get worked up over a script doesnt makes sense. Even more when they are trying to make sense over something that doesnt. IYKWIM.

          • 飛機那不是正常人有辦法接觸的領域

            不過那就是為什麼起飛前 我們要先讀那本手冊 先瞭解出事時候要做什麼
            一些專家也說飛機出事的時候 機翼那邊機身比較穩固 而且靠逃生閥比較近

            我也覺得合理 所以能選機位的時候 飛機中間部分比較好喔

            我是對自己要求很高的人 也對事物符不符合邏輯很敏感

            這本來是我頗為期待的一部戲劇 期望比較高
            我確實很希望它是一部不狗血 不爛哏的戲劇
            現在有點失望 反應也有點過大

          • Since u mentioned it that means all those in the bus didn’t know where’s the brake n hand brake too…..don’t u think so. Bingo u’ve got the answer it Is possible for someone not to know these…hahaha how smart of u to discover the answer on ur own

          • 應該有這樣的知識不代表有這樣的知識


    • haha in the original korean version the girl was really stupid too. i guess that’s the image she was trying to portray.

          • I watched this drama not because of her, I watched it for the good name of gao min nao, which she completely ruined. You are beautiful, the korean version was MUCH better with MUCH better actresses actors and looks and acting—> don’t deny

          • Honestly, I dont quite think that its about comparing the korean actors and actresses with the taiwanese actors and actresses… If you really don’t like the acting of the taiwanese actors and actresses and think that the main actress ruined Gao Mei Nan’s character no one is forcing you to watch it… If you dont like it then just dont watch it… I dont mean to be rude but its because theres no point in continuing to watch if you dont like it anyway.. So why waste your time watching it and posting nasty comments about the taiwanese actors and actresses?

          • b/c I FEEL like it
            and i didn’t say they were all bad
            i like shin woo and the copyright issue is breaking my heart b/c she can never end up w/ him TOT tears

          • i like the korean version in that the actress was cute and she ended up w/ tae kyung, which was the better choice—> but this version—> a whole other game ball =.=[”’

      • yea, but the korean version park shin was so cute! she was stupid but in a cute kind of way, but this, this is just pathetic

      • again, need I remind you the freedom of speech —> written in the language that you are using today and in the declaration of independence? don’t go there w/ me girl!

  8. who is stupid enough to leave the car unlocked and keyed in when going to the public restroom? so unrealistic =.=””

      • i know, just like how the guy doesn’t care about the car and leave in on the streets when he is chasing down the girl he loves?

          • because its a comical drama, nothing is serious or realistic in it. look at their expressions and you’ll know its their way of exaggerating scenes.
            i mean, no one talks like them on normal days, let alone doing things with sense. if this shows is full of things that makes sense….no this show wouldnt even exist because what happened to the girl cant quite happened in reality.
            so move on, and watch this drama with a light heart k?
            or…go watch a documentary lah.

    • give me a handshake pls. people nowadays don’t seem to have common sense anymore… I thought we are normal to criticize the scene… but people think we are abnormal….

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