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February 8, 2015
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I feel like the main actress is too old. Do you agree with me?
you guys expect too much from this sort of show
the flow of the show is so awkward and the girl’s accent is horrible and the standard of the other girl’s singing is blehhh..
American TV show has many actors came from different background, ethnicity, with different accent. I love how in America people embrace your accent and look at your performance without discrimination. It make a lot of sense to have her play the role of an ABC instead of some random actress who can’t even speak English properly to pretend to be an ABC. 美國娛樂業有不同文化背景種族的演員 大家只看演技 不看口音 這劇裡她是演留過學的人 比找從沒留過學英文都講不溜的演員來裝 ABC 找 Janet 是我看是最適合的了
I agree. even though she still needs some improvement on acting but this character also need someone who is very adventurous. I thought that its perfect role for Janet
wow janet’s accent is worse than I thought it would be
dun like tat hsiao jing…….. and hasnt found a likin point in the gal speakin mandarin with slang. sounds like i am watchin to see handsome ._. yang yan! 😡
Janet主持节目 是挺讨喜的个性。 但一口abc音。
Janet 是水瓶吧 花絮竟然寫他摩羯….
沒有人教Janet怎麼發捲舌音嗎? 人紅了就不必再進修了嗎?
是設計師不是”色”計”絲”, 是吃萬歲牌小魚乾, 不是”次”萬歲牌小魚乾
事情, 殺手, 不是”寺”情, “撒”手.
桂綸鎂也是一樣,沒有人建議他去矯正牙齒嗎? (噁!)
Are you seriously criticizing that Gwei Lun Mei’s teeth are not perfect? She’s one of the only acclaimed Taiwanese film actresses with a strong filmography… not a 花瓶