A Hint Of You (美味的想念) Episode 11

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Tipster Rednimer

14 thoughts on “A Hint Of You (美味的想念) Episode 11

  1. Looks like in the next episode ZY will overhear QY tells auntie WW that she’s not interested in ZY. 🙁

    The getting together of ZY and QY is probably going to take many episodes and things will be quite restrained. Sigh!

  2. 美劇顯然比真劇好看許多!真劇經常性的只是放閃…

    • 1.沒錯,不像真愛劇新聞戲外都比自己的劇還要精彩還要扯灑狗血哈,可以假戲真做但要看人!!本來我想看懷秋但就是因為這個誹聞讓我不想看下去反正不差我一個,收視率雖然好但負面比正面還多,但我也勉強找不到正面在哪,以前任容萱也跟他拍過戲還好她沒跟他交往過好逃過一劫還好她皮膚是白的,真愛找麻煩也會被他們拖下水

  3. 好看好看!
    希望以後可以繼續保持這緊湊的劇情 不要拖戲才好

  4. ohmy! Im loving this show more and more each day~can’t wait for tomorrow!
    I really love how the flow of the plot is going now~

  5. 婉婉阿姨是青柚的妈妈,20年前因为一场车祸 而失去记忆。
    青柚跟婉婉阿姨说她爸的时候 婉婉阿姨就皱着眉头的想好像在哪里听过这个名字

  6. yo i want to slap the shit out of 宋玉欣, wut a bitch, the step mom is nice to her for 20 years…….. and this bitch just keep using the fucking attitube.

  7. Well…so Qing You is good with baking and impressed not just the customer and his little daugher but certainly Zai Yu. Zai Yu’s liking for Qing You is growing by the day. Yu Xin does have a pretty face but her character is so far off from the perfect features..starting to irritate with her jealousy and worst, does not appreciate her step-mum, which is a gentle and caring woman.

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