A Good Wife (親愛的, 我愛上別人了) Episode 02

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18 thoughts on “A Good Wife (親愛的, 我愛上別人了) Episode 02

  1. omfg shao wen’s mom is such a bitch. well the whole family is fucked up
    just because youre rich doesnt mean you can treat other people like shit. messed up whore

  2. 這部戲不老派
    每星期五晚上10點 台視 親愛的,我愛上別人了 真的值得我們細細去品味

  3. 為什麼不論是角色 劇情 跟 主題曲…都有二十年前花系列的感覺! 甚麼時代了!! 連某個演員都是以前系列主角! 好老派的戲….

  4. so the dog lucky is obviously sounded he needs water…..give him water dipshit! anyways I have stopped watching the show. And, anothing is that motherfucking serious, including having to have a baby or architecture for that matter.

  5. this is much more realistic with wonderful actresses and actors. everything appears in a good style all coming together contributing to a quality drama.
    the 2nd drama i love in this 2 years (only after 含笑食堂)

    Bravo !!!

  6. Great drama from the start … hope the storyline don’t fade out. Actually, Shao Wen cares for Yi Zhen very much and feels the pain of losing the baby too but Yi Zhen feels so constraint and pressured in the family and they can no longer freely talk to each other.
    Sean is so refreshing and Yi Zhen has no inhibition opening up and in a way, Sean encourage her to be herself.

    • Weak husband… That all I can say… He let her go to her party on her own knowing how hard it must have been for her… I would have run off too

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