Sweet Sweet Bodyguard Episode 65

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44 thoughts on “Sweet Sweet Bodyguard Episode 65

  1. 秦媽她出身錯年代了啦。。。現在都什么時候還要利用孩子來保住地位???好像秦爸有后宮三千佳麗似的。離譜!!!

  2. 我覺得明玉根沒有真的喜歡仲祈,更別說是愛仲祈。。。她應該是從小習慣了仲祈對她的照顧,呵護及疼愛更因為被無聊的母親在旁幫她洗腦讓她誤以為她是愛仲祈的!

  3. 你怎麼知道? 為什麼我最近在你面前感覺好像沒有穿衣服一樣? 
    世豪叔真的在瞄仲祈的身體呢~ ahahaha… 笑死我~

  4. 丁雪翎和游敏慧都該送進精神病院了吧!預告實在太誇張了,游敏慧這集瘋完,下集換丁雪翎瘋!

  5. 我覺得明玉已經厭倦了當夾心和扯線木偶,想用工作上的表現來證明她不只是個洋娃娃


  6. OMG! From the preview I just saw, Xueling did succeed in taking Winnie away in a taxi and Ai-Jia trying to save Winnie got hurt in the process. You guys heard something? It’s the sound of my heart breaking. 🙁

  7. YES!!! Mingyu is gonna start having feelings for those two other bodyguards!!
    but I think Qin Mac has turned psycho. she just doesn’t get that zhonqi will never love Mingyu and that she understands…
    they should take her to a psychiatrist. cause she’s mentally insane.
    zhonqi and ai jia are so adorable together! it was kinda funny when Zheng ba gave the wake up call and ai jia and zhonqi were fighting over who should use the bathroom first.

  8. I used to hate Ming Yu like crazy but ever since she changed for Zhong Qi all I feel is pity and sympathy for her… I mean I don’t even think she l”loved” Zhong Qi in that way before. She seemed like she just didn’t want to lose such a loving brother. Gotta say it was all QinMa’s fault for brainwashing and manipulating her own daughter to keep her spot in the family … Absolutely selfish and disgusting. What a b*tch. And honesty Ming Yu has changed so much … She deserves much more than her mom’s continuous griping and selfish desires… Poor Ming Yu. She has merely served as a marionette in QinMa’s hands.

  9. i think Ming Yu is entirely capable of being sensible and would have been if not for crazy mother~~ i actually feel quite sorry for her to have a mother like that~
    i hope there are no nasty couple breakups from here too!~ we’ve waited 60+eps for ZQ&AJ together~ if they breakup now i will be sooo mad!

  10. Hard to stomach Wei-Qiang being mesmerised by Xue Ling. It’s odd whichever you look at it from. Suddenly the nerdy innocent boy turns into well, not so innocent. I suppose Xue Ling will not stop at anything to get hold of Winnie by ‘seducing’ Wei-Qiang.  

    Qinma basically lost it. Lost her mind that is. 

    I don’t hate Mingyu anymore. In fact, starting to sympathise with her. Her love for Zhongqi is actually comparable to Ai-Jia’s but Zhongqi of course, chose Ai Jia. Glad that she’s finally coming to her senses. I hope she and Zhongqi can still be siblings and that she will bless our favourite duo.

    Reading from some of your comments on Zhongqi & Alan’s revelation that they could be true half brothers, then that kind of explains the unmistakable brother-like chemistry between them. 

    Together with MAX, yes! I hope they don’t separate. We waited eons for them to be together. I want to see them brave through it all together. 

    Love the telepathy between them. They spoke the same words, look at each other at the same time, peered out of their room together. Also love that they could even communicate with gestures. 

    I’m so glad that Ai-Jia is taking more initiatives than Zhongqi. 🙂

    Ai-Jia’s pouting lips when she was playing with Winnie is so oh my god irresistable. LOL. 😀

    See you guys tomorrow. (:


  11. Looks like zhongqi’s biological father had an affair with his best friend (qinba) ‘s ex-wife!
    I think ai Jia and zhong Qi are too busy dating resulting in DXL having the chance to take Weini away….. Oh no :(. But still, loving ZQ and AJ’s sweet moments:)))

  12. 十一月一日和十一月二日楊丞琳和羅志祥分別會來新加坡,我想去了接機但媽媽說不行,我快瘋掉了啦,我沒看過羅祥和楊演唱會丞琳過,為什麽就是不讓我去呢?十一月有很多歌手來新加坡包括羅志祥林俊傑等等,十二月小鬼演唱會,我只能選去一個,我立刻選了小鬼演唱會,因為小鬼的第一個海外演唱會是新加坡,他為了演唱會學吉他,跳舞,而且他的太好聽了,如果我不聽LIVE,那我一定會很後悔的。雖然我很想看到羅志祥但沒關系,我知道我總有一天會看到羅志祥的

  13. 敏慧瘋了嗎,哪有媽媽這樣的,敏慧講話時,我超不爽的,明玉都要放棄了,你這個人還這樣,也太過分了吧!仲祈抱著愛家的時候,好浪漫,好甜蜜哦,仲祈還從後面抱這愛家,這個畫面好甜蜜哦,小鬼笑的時候也未免太可愛了吧,加上他那雙大大的眼睛,那個衍生讓我好想抱小鬼哦!

  14. It is nice to see ZJ and AJ supporting each other, going through tough and good times together.
    Too sweet for each other.

    The preview shows that ting suet ling came and took Winnie away. Hopefully that will affect AJ and ZJ relationship…with grandma and Ya Lun. Hate those misunderstanding scenes

    • It is nice to see ZJ and AJ supporting each other, going through tough and good times together.
      Too sweet for each other.

      The preview shows that ting suet ling came and took Winnie away. Hopefully that will Not affect AJ and ZJ relationship…with grandma and Ya Lun. Hate those misunderstanding scenes

  15. 其实明玉已经知道跟仲祈不可能了,但她妈一直煽动~ 难怪明玉会觉得烦啊!爱家跟仲祈也太sweet了吧?哈哈!仲祈穿伟强的衣服也太可爱了吧~

  16. 一大早兩個人就怎麼sweet。。。也難怪家人都看得不爽。。。可是。。 我好爽喔!!!等他們兩個這種片段也等了太久了!!現在就要一直甜蜜下去!!!

  17. EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL. How horrid can Qin Ma get? 

    At least we know Mingyu is half-convinced now…

    But friends, the show is going to throw a spanner in the works as it looks like Alan is NOT Qin Ba’s son (from the previews) 

    I may be wrong, but I have this sinking suspicion that Zhongqi and Alan are true half-brothers! The plot is thickening… Explains the motorcycle in the garage.

    And Ding Xue Ling is reappearing substantially tomorrow… eeps…why must the baddies right now be the women characters? 

    Only consolation today was the loving scenes between Zhongqi and Ai Jia… once again, they look like they are truly enjoying these loveydovey scenes… hee hee… right? 

    • Yes, I guess so too, Alan’s mother had an affair with ZQ’s biological father (??). Yucks!!

      And Wei Chiang is helping Xue Ling in kidnapping Winnie? Gosh, I hope she doesn’t succeed, otherwise, we will see a guilt ridden AJ the next couple of episodes.

      One thing I really hope to see in this drama is that the main leads don’t break up in the face of adversity (like they usually do in other dramas) only together again towards the end. I think the ZQ/AJ sweetness has become our main staple diet, therefore, we need the nourishment daily!!

    • And, oh yes, they are definitely enjoying the loving scenes. Go watch the bts on Summer Meng’s fb. They were also tired of the downcast and dejected scenes of the previous numerous episodes. I believe this was what went wrong in TAC ( not that I want to bring this up again) but the writers then appear not to know when to stop.

      So, at least upto now, kudos to the production team of SSB for dishing such a fantastic fare for us to vet appetite everyday.

  18. 仲祈和愛家依依不捨的樣子超可愛的啦。還有秦媽你真的是瘋了,你口口聲聲說仲祈不顧你和明玉的感受,那你當媽又有顧到仲祈的感受嗎?

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