Marry me, or not? (必娶女人) Episode 15 The End

Description: Episodes:
必娶女人講述的是,一個在你我生命中一定會遇到的「絆腳石」,那種專施小奸小惡來換取成功的--「必取」的故事。 女主角蔡環真,不僅為愛而與好姐妹勝男反目成仇,又設計陷害男主角郝萌,讓他以為自己與環真發生超友誼關係,需要對環真負責,正所謂女人不壞,男人不愛,可恨之人也有他的可取之處,這樣讓人恨得牙癢癢的「必取」,最後會是如何扭轉形象,蛻變成「必娶女人」,找到自己的必嫁男人呢?

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12 thoughts on “Marry me, or not? (必娶女人) Episode 15 The End

  1. After such a complex relationship, it was kind of disappointing that the way he wins her back at the end is with an extravagant proposal. It’s as if to say what the guy needs to do is have a crazy proposal and a big ring to win a girl’s heart. I feel like their characters are deeper than that. I think it would have been better if they got back together after meeting at the restaurant and pouring out their feelings. The dialogue in that scene would have to be changed of course to resolve their issues rather than setup the crazy proposal ending. I still enjoyed the show though 🙂

  2. Wow … no expense spared by HM in pursuing HZ … very touching ending even though it is rather rushed. I was not expecting this to be the final episode!
    Impressive acting by Roy and of course, who can resist watching such a handsome dreamy looking guy!!

  3. There may be many questions marks left unanswered but guess whatever ending the show might be, there will always be a group of people who aren’t satisfied with it. Tbh, it’s a pretty good ending. Give it a second try, watch this episode again and you will notice the details behind it. Good job to the cast and crew!!! Will recommend this show!((:

    • I agree. I think it’s sweet that proposal process included everyone in her life & more. Personally I wouldn’t mind seeing a little more sweetness between two of them after the successful proposal. 🙂

      • Yessss. Thanks for understanding. But a not so much detailed explanation always gives audience that imagination afterwards, which I personally love it. Because deep and good shows always end like this. Hahah!

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